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By Wednesday, March 8, please submit your abstract. Share your research and celebrate our community at the conference on Optical Trapping & Optical Micromanipulation (OTOM XX)

I have treasured the experience, and look forward to my 20th and final time chairing the OTOM conference. It will be wonderful

You are strongly encouraged to join us for our all-out celebration of the 20th anniversary of our conference on Optical Trapping & Optical Micromanipulation (OTOM). Please start preparing your submissions!

We would greatly appreciate it if you could encourage applications for our tenure-track opening in the Illinois Wesleyan Physics Department:

What a year for the Illinois Wesleyan Physics Department! Less than a week after graduating a bumper crop of Physics majors, on May 7 the headline was "American Institute of Physics Recognizes Illinois Wesleyan." Then, on Oct 31, a new headline, "Physics Professors Recognized for Efforts to Increase Understanding, Appreciation of Field," celebrated our work with the American Association of Physics Teachers. Now, we are being recognized by the American Physical Society, leading to the headline "Physics Department Awarded for Improving Undergraduate Physics Education." Congratulations to all who’ve helped build community here!!

One of these 2.5-day experiences can be an incredibly efficient use of your time! Build community. Together, we make a difference!

The 2023 AAPT Summer Meeting runs July 15 -19, in Sacramento. The Conference on Laboratory Instruction Beyond the First Year (BFY4) runs July 12 - 14 at Cal State Chico. Transport from one meeting to the other will be available

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I hope you’re planning to bring folks to the Conference on Laboratory Instruction Beyond the First Year (BFY4) 2023 + AAPT Sacramento this summer!

I’m happy to share that, as of Tuesday, I’m starting my term as Vice President at American Association of Physics Teachers - AAPT (while continuing in my other roles). Let me know how we might help, all of us, together, to make a difference.

I’m at the AAPT Winter Meeting in Portland. If you are, too, I hope we will meet up!

The AAPT has re-opened the Early Bird conference rates for

Some people like Inkscape. It has a graphical user interface, but also allows you to enter precise coordinates if you want (and it's scriptable). There is even a plug-in that allows you to enter LaTeX directly (for labels and such). For example, for his honors thesis, a recent IWU Physics major found an Inkscape component library for optics to be useful. — However, on my Mac laptop, I've made from scratch all of the components contained in my own version of this open-source library of optical components, which I've posted to . My version is for use with an application called OmniGraffle, which I've used to make all of the optical schematics you'll see in my lab procedurals — and in the example schematic shown below (which I made by following a similar example provided by Henning Vahlbruch).

MQMLab boosted

I'm so happy to be back on
@radiolab -- I always have fun on that show! In today's episode, Soren Wheeler
and I ponder what the most average-sized thing in the universe might be.

I just got this solder reflow oven, with which students can complete all the soldering of components onto a Printed Circuit Board in 8 minutes! For the solder paste on hand, we simply select “Heat Wave3” and let it run.

I hope you are aware of the Reichert Foundation’s Equipment Grants, for those in the community:

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