I’m scared for the world right now. It seems like everyone I interact with is just concerned with protecting themselves & their bank account &
that no one aspires to change or improve anything for the world. So I just want to say that I want to change the world. I want to change everything. I want to change the whole f-ing solar system, ok??? Ok.

Happy nye from my pastel-sky, black & white beach at the edge of the world. Today, I’m having my favorite vegan pizza (note to self: *always* order more than one pizza) & spanish wine, writing astro poems, & providing psychological support to my firework-fried cat (how could there be SO many fireworks out here?!)


Asha's days of freedom have come to an end, again, for now. We won't forget her and we'll be advocating for her return to her wild birthright.


5. I’ll be tracking down those nasal-sprays that help with stopping air-borne viruses.
6. If any place is crowded, I leave. If I have to stay, I use an N95, which I have in every purse/bag.
7. I’ll still go out but only if there is outdoor seating several ft away from other ppl.
8. I have hand sanitizer in every bag & I use it anytime I touch anything from a public place lol.

Intense, but the great thing all humans are working on is survival, right? So survive out there ppl!

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Since multiple ppl I know have covid rn, here are a few ways I’m avoiding covid if it helps:
1. shop at lesser known/specialty grocery stores so I can maintain social distancing
2. wear glasses which is proven to prevent eye-entrance of the virus
3. fought for staying remote when asked to “come to the office”
4. don’t travel internationally for fun anymore. I used to love travel & saw it as a mind-opening experience. How can it be mind-opening if there’s a risk of brain damage?

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