Optimal Solution
Just connect the dots with a straight line
you desire from night to light.
The more time you spent,
the more you cry,
the more you try,
you try to deny
that you still are
Reject your values by the perfect image.
Project them on A tea null
if you wish.
Let it be normal
instead of desiring from light to night,
crying, trying and denying
to move on, please.
It is simple.
Everything will be alright
if you proceed at least
squares solution is just fine.
Záznam cvičení: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLKEjZ17GQ8&list=PLQL6z4JeTTQnXj51gWNyFJpkDdqqY4h7r&index=15
Nechápu, proč si někdo kupuje nové #Microsoft #Office, když ty původní byly o tolik lepší. Třeba tyhle desginy v #Powerpoint jsou boží:
záznam cvičení:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_0C_6zDM6Q&list=PLQL6z4JeTTQnXj51gWNyFJpkDdqqY4h7r&index=14
For a lab recording I used #Matlab R10 from 1998 on iMac G3 with Mac OS 9.
Another proof that old computers are still usable for everyday tasks.
No need to buy newer faster machines, if you don't need internet.
The side-effect is that the recording looks much better. <3
Linear algebra = ❤️
Nuclear power =♻️
(Sometime I post in Czech, sometime I post in English)