People who do #PostcardsToVoters - I'm working with some Wisconsin based groups to write postcards for the April election. Writing in advance with plans to hold mailing until mid March. (postcard I sent for yesterday's primaries attached, for a visual)
If you're interested in joining me to write these postcards, give a shout, and I can share the details!
#WisconsinSupremeCourt #AbortionIsHealthcare #StopGerrymandering #SpringElection #JanetForJustice #Jodi4Wisconsin #GOTV #VoteBlueIn2023 #Wisconsin #WisDems
I know it's not for everyone! With 2 young kiddos, I'm not usually free until after it's rude-o-clock for phone banking (or even texting), but I can write postcards whenever, so it works great for me!
Thanks for the support, and feel free to spread the message if you have friends who'd want to participate!