#Poll specifically for programmers who work on open source projects:
When you add a new dependency to a project, do you check the license(s) for compatibility with the license(s) of the project you're working on?
@aeva@mastodon.gamedev.place i license everything under GPL/AGPL, so everything in the rust ecosystem should be compatible
Examples of crates with noncommercial licenses:
`mulm` - Prosperity Public License.
`rustic-zen` - CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
`ur-script` - CC-BY-NC-4.0
Side note: be careful about confusing the Boost Software License (BSL), which is FOSS, with the Business Source License, which is not. Both licenses see use on crates.io
@Parienve@qoto.org @aeva@mastodon.gamedev.place interesting crates, never heard of them specifically but i guess i probably should run a dep scanner at some point
and yeah it sucks that the copro license ends up acronymed the same as the boost license