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Jim Parkin boosted

Amazing isn't it? Millions of people in Texas are without power and all their MAGA hatting governor can think of to do is to trick 100 migrants into taking a 22 hour bus ride to be dropped off outside Kamala Harris's house in freezing weather wearing T-Shirts.

If you think this is smart politics or owning the libs or good in any sort of way, then you are dead inside. I don't want to know you professionally or personally.

Trump has turned the GOP nomination race into a contest in which the candidates all try to show how evil they are.

Is this a vixen screaming or something else? Quite a way to get woken in the small hours on Christmas Day.

Nothing to see, just noise

Jim Parkin boosted

"If they come"??? 👇 - I am unconvinced that quote-posts are desirable here. But if they come - and I see yet more calls for them - perhaps make it a choice on the part of the poster being quoted, such that they can, either by default or on a per-post basis, decide if they want a post to be quote-post-able?

Jim Parkin boosted

How does the PM think having a financial "midlife MOT" is going to tempt folk back into work?

Threats and scare stories? Is that all they've got.

"We've farked the economy so badly you'll have to work until you drop just to live on bread and scrape." isn't a great look for the natural party of government.

Jim Parkin boosted

When we first took this case to the High Court in June 2021, Gove was found to have acted unlawfully and with apparent bias in the awarding of this contract.

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Jim Parkin boosted


Steve Barclay has just said on #R4today we’ve have big increases in Covid and flu hospital admissions.

Why wasn’t he challenged on what the Government is doing to combat the spread of Covid and flu?

He’s been telling us the pandemic is over for months😡


Jim Parkin boosted

The solstice - it's not all about sunrise. At neolithic Maeshowe in Orkney it's the setting sun which illuminates the back wall of the chamber.
#Solstice #Orkney

Jim Parkin boosted

Oh. my. god.

Madison Square Garden used facial recognition to identify and stop a mom from attending a Christmas show with her kid because she's an attorney at a firm who is engaged in litigation with them.

This is why it's not enough to just ban government and law enforcement use of #facialrecognition. There are so many ways private companies and even individuals can abuse #biometric #surveillance tech.

#BanFacialRecognition entirely. Yesterday.

Jim Parkin boosted

We need a change of govt sooner rather than later.

If the Tory leopard won't change it's spots (unlikely), then we must get rid of them.

Can the NHS survive another 2 years like this? It doesn't sound like it, given the testimony of The Secret Consultant.

I'm at a loss on how we can get a General Election before the end of 2024. Tory MPs must know that they'll be kicked out. How do we make their life in parliament so unpleasant that they go early?
#nhs #nhsstrikes

Jim Parkin boosted


A timely reminder from ⁦⁩ that our ambulance services are on their knees regardless of whether they’re striking…


Jim Parkin boosted

Happy solstice everyone, north and south, winter and summer, round we go again

Jim Parkin boosted

Dr. Claire Taylor explains more about which tests are needed to detect these microclots as the more common D-Dimer and CTPA tests will frequently come back "normal" but can find them using a VQ scan ( ). 6/

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Jim Parkin boosted

Dr. Rae Duncan discusses how COVID infection causes endothelial damage (inner lining of blood vessels) happening directly from the virus infection itself and also from the immune response that is generated (cytokines) ( ). 5/

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Jim Parkin boosted took data from the CDC and plotted the deaths per months in males aged 25-54 from cardiovascular or respiratory disease and found a 39% increase in deaths/month since the start of the pandemic even in this younger age group ( ). 4/

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Jim Parkin boosted

How much public space we've surrendered to cars (Swedish artist Karl Jilg)

Jim Parkin boosted

The big news is not that a committee of Congress has made a criminal referral urging that the DOJ prosecute a former president. The big news is that the committee has compiled overwhelming evidence that the former president has committed serious crimes.

Jim Parkin boosted


I've been diagnosed with a chronic fear of giants..


Jim Parkin boosted

Mastodon gets un-suspended and then goes for the posterizing dunk right out of the gate #tech #socialmedia

Jim Parkin boosted
Jim Parkin boosted

Le Monde not pulling punches in their editorial about the state of the UK.

"As the United Kingdom, now the most unequal country in Western Europe, sinks into recession, 3 million Britons are struggling to pay their energy bills and food banks are multiplying. The government in London seems to be stuck on an ideology that advocates for a minimal state, tending to place the blame on the disadvantaged for their fate and favoring the wealthy." #UK #UKPol #Brexit #Strikes

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