I was very surprised to receive a letter from the DWP this morning informing me that my winter fuel allowance payment will be £500.
I thought that once Britain fully left the EU, as I live in Luxembourg, all those sorts of discretionary payments would cease along with increases in pension payments, just as they do if you move somewhere like Brazil or to some other exoticretirement destination.
I guess somewhere in the small print of Blojob's "Dustbin Ready Deal" there must have been some stuff about mutual continuation of extra payments to pensioners. I'm surprised that the band of small minded fascists like Frost et al who negotiated the deal let extravagance like that creep into the text!
Well, it's not like I am hiding my true location from them or anything of that sort! My UK pension is paid into my Luxembourg bank account and the address they have for correspondence and to which, from time to time, they send letters requesting that I prove that I am still alive which proof is duly furnished by the lovely ladies in my local council offices IN LUXEMBOUG, is the same one to which they sent the letter this morning.
If they have got it wrong - it's nothing to do with me!