Nikki Haley said the most important issue facing teenage girls is unfair competition from transgirl athletes.

An estimated ONE MILLION high school girls have been raped based on a 2021 (NBC) report. In 2021, 2590 children under 18 were murdered by guns (Pew). Before age 18, 3.5 Million girls have been stalked. One in 10 girls is a victim of dating violence.(Childrens Hosp of Phila).

Meanwhile, (Apr 21, 2023) Newsweek reports 15 high school transathletes competed in high school sports, of those 15, only THREE are girls.

MAGA will exaggerate and lie about victimization to justify hate and bigotry. Nazis did this, too. It's not harmless.


I have absolutely nothing against trans-men (or women) nor against members of the LGBTQIA+ community in general. However, it seems to be an acknowledged medical fact the level of of testosterone in a baby's bloodstream, even as early as in the womb has a significant effect on the development of bone and muscle mass so even if raised testosterone levels experienced by males in puberty is later prevented by the administration of medication. I fear that girls may therefore be significantly disadvantaged by having to compete against boys who have been "converted" to girls even if the "conversion" is made before puberty.

On the rape question:
unfortunately, much of the output from Hollywood and the US TV studios glorifies rape, violence and male privilege (what might be described as the right to rape). Young people take many of their cues from what they see on TV and in films so it isn't altogether surprising that rapes and other forms of sexual violence are commonplace in the US.

@Paulos_the_fog The "rape question"? So a million raped girls is just not a priority for you because you blame tv, and not the rapist boys and men? It's not only boys who rape girls under 18, it's men your age.

You can stop fearing 3 transgirls, I was a very small Asian American girl, and genetically bigger stronger faster more muscular taller white girls are a fact of existence, I didn't run for President trying to ban white girls from school sports because of biologically unfair athletic advantage. Do you realize how ridiculous that is? Nikki Haley should.



Christ! You're a spiteful bit of work!

No, of course, 1,000,000, girls raped is a massive priority! However, looking at the USA from the outside (I live in Europe in a country where rape is vanishingly rare), I see some reasons why the issue may be greater there, than in some other societies, and to me it is perfectly valid to point that out. Where do both boys and men get their ideas of what is acceptable and their moral values from, if not from the predominant media; TV and films?

Of course it's the fault and responsibility of the boys and men themselves BUT blaming them is not actually going to fix the problem whereas making some adjustments to what is permitted to be shown in films just might!

@Paulos_the_fog @pattykimura Media just reflects sexism that already exists in the culture. Men have been teaching boys to degrade--and yes, assault--girls and women for literally millennia. Religion has actually had far more of an influence on this than media has. Shall we ban that?

This is very basic stuff. I encourage you to educate yourself on it, and on Trans issues, before making a fool of yourself again.


Lol. A man horrified by a "spiteful bit of work". That's "spiteful OLD LADY" to you, sonny!

If you believe rape is only an American crime, I'll tell you where young men learn to rape in Europe before there was tv: from old men.

@Paulos_the_fog @pattykimura So you think waiting for an entire industry to change is the solution - and efforts are already being made to enact that change, but systemic change takes time.

What's going to fix the problem is men taking responsibility for their own actions and teaching their sons and nephews and friends and any other male they encounter that laying claim to a woman's body is *not* ok. Change, one person at a time, resonating to their circle, repeating. Not passing the buck.

@Paulos_the_fog @pattykimura There are exponentially more folks that HAVENT raped someone than have, and everyone’s watching the same shit on TV as everyone else. You’re just chock full of thoroughly debunked misinformation, aren’t you?

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