I didn't do an #introduction post when I moved to ibe.social, but since I shoot my mouth off on hot button issues enough, it might be a good idea to TL;DR myself and pin it, in case the reply guys actually bother to look at my profile before attempting to 'Um, Actually...' me.

Hi! I'm Amy, I am
#ADHD. I'm wildly left wing — at least by US standards, maybe even by international standards, but def in the left wing weeds here in the shithole that I call my home country. I am opinionated, I will share my thoughts.

My interests include scifi such as
#StarTrek (which is political, and progressive despite the efforts of certain assholes like Rick Berman), #Farscape, and #DoctorWho. I run a Star Trek collaborative writing RPG, @USSJoshuaNorton@trekkies.social. I dabble in photography and making glitch art, and if I can figure out how to manage my ADHD better, I'd love to make at least part of my income from selling my art. Check out my INPRNT shop from the link on my profile.

My spelling is atrocious, and due to my ADHD, my memory is sometimes a crap shoot. This means playing games like splitting hairs over my vocabulary choices, or nitpicking my spelling and grammar, are not going to go over well with me. These are things I've been fighting with my whole life, so if you come at me for them I will not hesitate to defend myself and tell you to fuck off. Just because my memory resembles swiss cheese sometimes doesn't mean I'm stupid, it just means that sometimes I can't pull up the noun for a concept I'm trying to explain, or I can't cite sources on sometimes I read six months ago that supports my position... but I assure you, if I feel confident enough to say something without padding it with a modifier like 'I think', or 'if I'm remembering correctly', I'm pretty certain of what I'm saying and I don't recommend coming for me unless
you can cite sources to me.

I try my best to meet people where they are, but I've also been put through enough bullshit because of how ADHDers and women are treated in our society that once I decide you're not trying to meet me in good faith, my patience will drop to zero pretty damn fast. Meet me with good intentions and usually we'll get along fine.

@deathkitten @USSJoshuaNorton

I call my country, the UK, a shithole but I have never heard an American call their country that - I'm warming to you already!

@Paulos_the_fog@qoto.org Anyone who can look at a country where one party's front runner is literally on trial for treason, and was instrumental in trying to overthrow an election, where we're literally the only major country in the world that does not provide at least a minimal baseline of healthcare to everyone, and where most people can not afford to support themselves from one job, and not call it a shithole, I have to wonder if they're in some crazy levels of denial or if they're imbibing in some substance that's making them accept the fucked up situation.

And that's literally just skimming the worst of the worst off the top. We can dig into the crumbling infrastructure, the broken school systems (both primary being more of a glorified babysitter, and the higher education being entirely locked behind a paywall), the abhorrent way we treat people who aren't cishet white neurotypical rich men (and the further away from that you are, the worse your treatment is, with things getting really exciting depending on what overlaps of "undesirable" traits you have), the fact that our election system has been rules lawyered into nearly unusable, and our politicians literally don't listen to the people because we don't have a way to actually hold them accountable because one party is milktoast spineless moderates, and the other is steadily jackboot marching further and further into fascism, so replacing one of them is nearly an impossible task unless they piss off their party or someone rich.

are a shithole.



I think Britain and the US are in neck-and-neck competition for the title of greatest shithole in the western world and, whilst Britain briefly took the lead with the Brexit fiasco and its ramifications for ordinary Brits in the street, the US has now surged ahead again with its abandonment of the right to abortion and a great torrent of other legislation targeting all manner of minorities.

I'm sure some extreme right-wing state will pass legislation shortly making it unlawful to be anything other than a rich, CIS, white male!

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