My descent into #JuliaLang has officially begun.

Seriously considering moving my data analysis course to Julia in 2024 or at least offering Julia code for all exercises alongside #rstats.

Have spent days combing the docs for Julia and its data wrangling and ML ecosystem.

Are things perfect? No.

But boy is Julia is freaking cool in so many respects.

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@kdpsingh what are your top 3 favorite features compared to others?

@PausalZ Have more than 3 but will list some for #rstats users.

1. A standard approach to composing and evaluating symbols and expressions. There’s no need for an {rlang}-type package because Julia has nice meta-programming out of the box.

2. Automatic vectorization of any function by adding a “.” at the end of the function name when you call it.

3. DataFrames library is automatically parallelized across threads.

4. No functionality buried behind C/C++ code for low-level packages.

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