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When you submitting to a different journal after rejection, do you include previous reviewer comments with your submission?

Two wishes:
1. For people to stop trashing and misrepresenting about RCTs to justify doing anything else RCTs
2. For to stop with the lazy, facile 'RCTs are the gold standard', which is why wish (1) is needed

the format for JAMA's abstracts are such a pain

Hi, my name is Maarten. You might know me from Twitter from my greatest hits "you don't nee-hee-hee-heed machine learning for that" and "gimme, gimme, gimme your research question"

I'm excited that #ScienceTwitter & #AcademicTwitter are flocking to #Mastodon as the 'replacement for Twitter'.

It may be confusing, clumsy, & slow, but it's free, open-source, & absolutely not-for-profit. That's philosophically far more appropriate. I hope we can make it work!

Lately, M-estimation has been my go-to tool for analyses. It's just such a flexible tool and makes variance estimation super easy

I did a talk a few weeks back, the recording is available at

with slides and code here

Hi QOTO, I'm an epidemiologist. I primarily study causal inference, statistics, and infectious diseases. I also work on open-source software for statistical analyses

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.