Now before I make this final cut on your vasectomy, I'm legally required to tell you that 1 in 25 times the penis will pop off and fly around the room going PHBHBHBHBHTH like a deflating balloon. So. You know. Fingers crossed.
I don’t know who needs to hear this. I don’t know what day it is. I don’t know what your mother wants for Christmas. I don’t know much about history. Don’t know much biology. I think you should take me to the doctor because I’m having trouble remembering my name as well.
A man found a goose that was shaking with cold in Montana. As he got closer he realized, wrapped up in her wings, was a puppy she was shielding from the freezing cold. We have so much to learn from animals.(The goose & the puppy recovered & were adopted together Life With Animals
I don't know who needs to hear this but you are important, you are loved, there is an opossum living in your attic which is why your socks keep going missing, you are valid & you matter.
So, you waited until the 13th day before Christmas to finish shopping for your true love? Pull into any truck stop in America, there’s at least three methheads who can get you all the birds you need right now.