I shit you not - a columnist in Croatia is explaining why cycle commuting won't work in Zagreb and it works in western countries by the simple fact that in Western Europe half of the people rent anyway so they rent a flat a kilometer away from their work so they can use the bike. Any commute longer than a kilometer results in stinky sweaty mess and is not possible! Link in Croatian #waroncars #WaronCarsWatch https://www.index.hr/mobile/vijesti/clanak/fina-urbana-elita-trazi-od-radnika-da-biciklom-idu-na-posao-to-je-idiotarija/2610332.aspx?index_ref=rubrika_vijesti_ostalo_m
#Verkehrswende heißt Priorität für den Fuß- und Radverkehr, danach kommt der öffentliche Nahverkehr und ganz am Schluss, falls noch Platz übrig ist, kommt das private Auto. #StädteFürMenschen
The always excellent @ProPublica shows what happens when Trump cultists take over local governments -- focusing here on a Texas county where the population is closely divided but the extremists' rule is borderline fascist.
Traffic experts in Zagreb Croatia claim that the only solution for traffic jams is construction of underground.
Because all cities in the world that have underground don't have any traffic jams.
#trafficjam #waroncars #trafficfix
> They say they're building the thing that will build the thing that will solve all of our problems, while they destroy the planet and run on data theft and labor exploitation, and they get Nobel prizes.
— Timnit Gebru
Another door opened up in the unofficial @VRubinObs commissioning advent calendar (the main mirror M1/M3 a primary and tertiary mirrors combined) has been installed last week
A Review of `The 15-Minute City: A Solution to Saving Our Time and Our Planet’ by Carlos Moreno. Published by Wiley.
"The other day there was a story about people not being able to get to the airport because they were stuck behind other people waiting to get into the new mall. Do you know the problem? Too many cars. Why were there too many cars? Because there’s almost no other way to get to the airport or the mall. When you don’t give people other ways of getting around, everyone takes a car, and when lots of cars are together, that’s called traffic jam."
Paar- nema straha, Milanovićevom ciklusi, kaos, ne znamo što sve utječe na zagrijavanje i u kojoj mjeri, sve je to prirodno....
Hasselman (Nobelova nagrada izučavanje klimatskih promjena) "large fraction of the warming over the last 50 yr can be attributed to greenhouse gas increases."
Pametnom dosta
Topics in the latest edition of my "Cornerstone of democracy" newsletter -- a compendium of the best of political reporting/commentary (and more) -- include:
-- Fascists hate higher education
-- Dark money buying state laws
-- Voting wrongs in Texas
-- More on right-wing "influencers" scandal
-- NY Times publisher doesn't get it, again
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