Foredrag om generativ AI og fremtiden fra en AI-konsulent fra CapGemini.
Overraskende nok, pølseselgeren mener vi må spise mer pølse. Og ikke nok med det, vi skal erstatte alle måltid med pølse. Det er faktisk en bra ting med pølse i alt.
Og hvorfor er pølse bra?
Fordi pølseprodusentenes aksjekurs har gått til værs etter at de har annonsert at de kommer med enda større og bedre pølser.
Ergo, pølser er fremtiden!
@tbridge A great talk, thanks!
Hvem tør foreslå danske politikere fra Facebooktinget at der er alternativer?
🌟 Last week, an intriguing auction hit eBay — the badge of Apple Employee No. 10. There was just one small problem — it was a total forgery.
"ChatGPT consumes a lot of energy in the process, up to 25 times more than a Google search. Additionally, a lot of water is also used in cooling for the servers that run all that software. Per conversation of about 20 to 50 queries, half a litre of water evaporates – a small bottle, in other words."
AI is predicted to consume twice as much energy as the whole of France by 2030
Training GPT3, took 1,287 MWh (Megawatt hours) of electricity.
d.23. april sendte @fsfe 's danske lokalgruppe ( et åbent brev til alle partiernes IT-ordførere, om hvorfor det er på høje tid at gøre fri og open source software til den nationale standard.
Hvis du gerne vil læse det, deler
@agger også det åbne brev her:
#PMPC #FreeSoftwareFreeSociety #PublicCode #BæredygtigIT #opensource #dkpol
"Borgernes penge forsvinder ned i den offentlige sektor" er et populært refrain på højrefløjen, så måske skulle vi gøre mere ud af at minde om hvor penge der "forsvinder" bliver af.
Højere løn til offentligt ansatte? Øh nej*.
Flere lærere/sygeplejersker/plejere/sagsbehandlere? Øh nej.
Indsats imod skatteunddragelse & snyd? Øh nej.
Flere penge til ledige/udsatte/syge? Øh fucking nej.
Dyre konsulenter? 🎯
*Direktørlønninger m.m.? 🎯
Militært isenkram? Ja, åbenbart.
Vejen FREMAD er åben. Vi bør slå ind på den nu - vi kan ikke blive ved med at tage så magne dumme beslutninger og købe så meget software vi ikke ejer og ikke har kontrol over!
".. vi er overbeviste om, at det på sigt vil være for det bedste, økonomisk såvel som sikkerhedsmæssigt, både af hensyn til databeskyttelsen og landets suverænitet, at indføre denne klausul, om at al offentlig software skal være fri software/open source" #foss
It’s been a day since folks learned about the passing of Charles Edge, a pillar of #MacAdmin community.
A profound loss - to family, children, loved ones, friends and colleagues.
This quote feels apt, based on my experience and stories shared by folks last night about Charles.
“The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.”
- Samuel Johnson
Charles Edge died unexpectedly on Friday. 😢
I can't say that I knew him well, but I did know him. He was a fixture of the Mac Admins community, and you could tell right away on meeting him that he was kind, smart, and a hard worker. He was impossible to dislike.
Many of those reading this may not know who Charles was. If you have a Mac that is managed by your employer, chances are good that Charles had a hand - directly or indirectly - in some aspect of how it is managed. His influence would have made that experience smoother and more secure for both you and your employer.
Charles will be missed greatly by those who knew him.
Elon Musk – Dead at 52 – Says There Is No Need for Misinformation Laws
There is a great disturbance in the force of the #macadmins community… I just learned Charles Edge has passed away a few days ago.
I had the great honour to work for him when he was managing the PS team at Jamf and it’s been both an honour and an immense pleasure. He was not only a great human but also very supportive and always available for anything. He was also a fantastic buddy to hang around with.
The community will also always remember him for his numerous docs and projects.
So long!
@mactroll So sad news!! 🥲
@tbridge So sad to hear about it 🥲
“GitHub - ai-robots-txt/ai.robots.txt: A list of AI agents and robots to block.”
"people who should know better say things like, “I asked a conversational AI some questions that I knew the answers to, and its answers were well-written, but they had the kinds of subtle errors that could lead someone badly astray. But then I asked it some questions that I didn’t know the answers to, and it gave me really good, clear information! What a great learning tool!”" system administrator with a special love for macOS