Postdoc position! Pls boost!
Want to devote your expertise in data science to accelerate the pace at which new medicines are found?
Join our lab at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, MA, USA to glean insights from biological images!
More info:
The Broad Institute provides a uniquely stimulating environment to advance and apply data science in collaboration with MIT, Harvard, and hospitals. (1/2)
Excited to share this work, a cross-disciplinary collaboration with Chandrani Kumari (IMSc), Gautam Menon (Ashoka), Leelavati Narlikar (IISER Pune), Uma Ram (Seethapathy Clinic and Hospital): “A predictive model of a growing fetus” in which we use the Gompertz growth model to describe fetal parameters, predict birth weight, and more.
I just did a thread on this at the birdsite
Happy to engage here too!
Apologies for cross-posting from birdsite, but this is an invaluable thread by respected virologist Dr. Gagandeep Kang, about the current #Covid surge in #China and every aspect of what it means for us in #India including whether to get #boosters, whether and where to mask, whether to #travel etc etc.
The fantastic Dan Bush who is starting his new lab here at #ucl #neuroscience is recruiting! Come join our great dept!: There are two #postdoc positions available - using #MEG, intracranial EEG and #human single cell recordings to test theoretical models of #human long-term #memory function - further details here:
Six fully funded PhD positions availale in the 'biomimetic embodied AI' Leverhulme doctoral scheme here at Sussex. Projects are available in many areas, including intersections between AI/ML and consciousness research. For details:
Scientific Outreach and Communications Manager @HHMINEWS
Ashburn, #UnitedStatesUS #Manager
PSA: When marginalized communities speak up about the issues that affect them, they are not being divisive. They are trying to protect themselves and others from oppression. Folks need to stop spinning this as division. It’s self-defence from an onslaught of hate.
Non-CW’d posts like this will be rare on my account. But this is a plea, in a time where all marginalized groups are being attacked by the far right, to the point where it’s becoming mainstream, to please speak up when you hear it.
In case you were discouraged from applying for the HHMI call (March 2023) because past winners all had Nature/Science/Cell papers, @leslievosshall says the times are a-changing and all outstanding scientists should apply this round!
Welcome to @geffenlab!
Maria is a professor at UPenn who studies hearing and auditory memory. Her lab has discovered a number of new brain circuits that support these important functions:
Maria is also a polymath who is good at ... basically everything. And she has seemingly endless energy for it. Biotech. Science. Modeling. Advising. +
Let's also applaud Maria's dedication to early career researchers and enhancing diversity:
Follow: @geffenlab
Hi everyone! I am an assistant professor at the Bernoulli Institute of Mathematics, Computer Science and AI of the University of Groningen. I try to understand when, how and why we mind-wander, using EEG, behavior and modeling. I also do crazy studies of EEG hyperscanning with dancers, Tibetan monks and more. I am fascinated by how meditation practices can change our minds.
By night I am a very dedicated classical ballet dancer.
@ttpphd woohoo!
Science mastodon: As we (re)build our community, what would you most like to see more of here? #neuroscience #psychology @cogneurophys
@NicoleCRust There's no building of 'community' without building active measures to include ECRs and historically excluded groups . I like(d?) the #tweeprint aspect of science twitter to learn about #neuroscience (and other cool science) outside my field. Also liked broadcasting help questions to a wider audience (science or otherwise). While I enjoyed (and learned from) some science twitter discussions, most of them felt really unmoderated (and exclusive) and not useful in the end. Don't think I'll miss them in that format.
As an ant biologist, I think the discovery of “ant milk” might be the single biggest research finding during my lifetime.
Across ants, maturing pupae make a nutritional exudate for their nestmates:
SpikeInterface is an #opensource framework in #python to analyze extracellular electrophysiology #ephys data and perform #spikesorting.
We believe that spike sorting development should be a collaborative and community effort and we encourage contributors!
You can read more in the docs:
Follow a tutorial:
Check out the source code:
Happy #spikesorting to all!
Big welcome to @anneurai!
Anne is an Assistant Professor in Leiden (Netherlands). Let's all celebrate her substantial contributions to understanding how we make decisions:
Anne is also been part of the heart and soul of an exciting team science experiment in brain research, the @InternationalBrainLab
Finally, let's applaud Anne's contributions to Green Neuroscience. She continuously offers us all action items for stopping climate change:
Hello Mastodon! #introduction
I'm a cognitive neuroscientist at the psychology department in Leiden, The Netherlands
I research how we make decisions and how our brains change as we age (both in and )
Beyond brains, I care & post about #feminism, #openscience and #climateaction
Happy to be here!
Overdue #introduction
I am a #neuroscientist currently finishing an #NSF postdoc fellowship at #Caltech - starting as an Assistant Professor at #UniversityofMelbourne in 2023.
My work uses #experimental & #computational approaches with #fMRI to study the neural basis of decision making in humans. I focus on how the brain processes information related to #threat & #safety. I examine the development of these systems from #adolescence to #adulthood.
Glad to join the #neuroscience contingent!
RT @JAppliedEcology
Join the @BritishEcolSoc in Feb 2023 to launch the special feature ‘Leveraging natural history collections to understand global change’ with @NHM_London
More details and sign up
@JEcology @MethodsEcolEvol @AnimalEcology @FunEcology #BESNHCs
Neuroscientist interested in the synchronization between internal cognitive computations and ongoing physiological rhythms in health and disease.