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Hello #neuromatch fellows! A new #Introduction

I am a junior researcher in developmental neuroscience and child & adolescent psychiatry with a background in medicine. Currently, I am PhD student at the Max Planck School of Cognition, supervised by Simon Eickhoff and Juergen Dukart at Jülich Research Centre.

​In general, I am interested in multimodal data acquisition and integrative data analysis approaches to understand how processes on different biological levels (e.g., behavior, brain metabolism, brain structure, genetics) lead to what we consider psychiatric disorders. Right now, I focus on how cortical distributions of neurotransmitter receptors, cell populations, and brain metabolism relate to (a)typical cortex development.

Apart from my research focus, I am interested in open science and data visualization. Also, I climb, cycle and live vegan for ethical and environmental reasons.

#NeuroScience #Development #Psychiatry #MentalHealth #DataScience #OpenScience #DataViz #Science #Research @phdstudents @neuroscience

Some thoughts on my first year as a PI:

I wrote this before Christmas and have been waffling about posting it in case it seems too whiny or privileged. (Also because I no longer have the time to be clever or witty or add funny pictures to my blog posts, sorry 🙈​) But it's something I'd be interested in reading if I were still a postdoc or trainee so what the heck

When I moved to working at non-profits, I had never imagined that some day I'd be back in the media. Many thanks to Factor Daily for the opportunity and the privilege of being a fellow.


Did you know you can format your posts with #Markdown? At least in our server and all others that run on the 'glitch' variant of Mastodon.
To activate it by default: Settings > Preferences > Other > Default format for toots > Markdown

Quick tutorial in the thread below; additional tips welcome! 🔽​

This is *not* the way scientific papers typically begin:

We are running out of time. Ecosystems across the planet are being destroyed at an accelerating rate. The life sciences – once a field dedicated to the study of living systems and our interactions with them – are increasingly becoming sciences of the dead. Up to one million species are currently threatened with extinction, many of them within decades.

It's a very good sign, however, an indication that at least some scientists are now ready to speak boldly and unequivocally about the greatest emergency our species has ever faced.


#ClimateEmergency #BiodiversityLoss #Extinction

Looking for people who know something about early computing, especially in the Netherlands. Please boost and help me solve the mystery of this custom made plate that used to belong to my grandfather Bram Jan Loopstra, one of the pioneers of Dutch computing. What do the pictures mean?

Stay tuned for a new release of SpikeInterface coming very soon! 🚀

The upcoming release will bring SpikeInterface one step closer to a stable 1.0 release!

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Help me find my tribe!

How do you guys find people you were following on Twitter?

I am interested in #academia #neuroscience #immunology #neuroimmunology #bioinformatics

I am still learning how this platform works...

The hippocampus stores memories for distinct places, but how are episodic memories for unique experiences occurring in familiar environments encoded in the brain? We identified a neural coding mechanism for this in the hippocampus during aversive learning and decision making. Congrats to Jake Ormond (who is on the job market this year)!

This is huge. The German science foundation requests publicly accessible final reports of all funded studies to enhance the visibility of null results.


Projekt-#Abschlussberichte: Einheitliche Grundlagen sollen #DFG-Projekte besser erschließen, die Verwendung d. Gelder und (auch negative) #Forschungsergebnisse transparenter machen. Entspr. Muster gelten für die meisten ab 1.1.23 bewilligten Anträge. Mehr:



Reposting since I moved instances -- please spread widely.

We're hiring at the Assistant/Associate #Professor level in the Complex Human Data Hub at #UniMelb.

It's a combined #research and #teaching position, for researchers who study any topic within #mathematical or #computational #cognitive/#social science (broadly construed). We're especially interested in applications from #women and #minorities.

Closing date is Feb 2nd, and all details can be found at the link below. Melbourne is awesome and so are we so come join us!


Cool article related to recent discussion with @anneurai on how to cut waste in experimental labs:

“We were producing about 4,000 kilograms of waste per year, and we’ve got that down to 130 kilograms. Much of the reduction was achieved just by composting and recycling, and not using single-use plastics.”

(They also saved €15,800 if it’s the financial side that you’re interested in)


A poetic profile of Else Marie Friis, hunter of flower fossils:

Where others had looked for (and failed to find) large flowers, she discovered an abundance of microscopic specimens, and rewrote the story of flower evolution.

Across a bunch of scientist biographies, I noticed that a lot of scientists were part of a club to discuss science. It's usually something mostly informal that meets about once a month. Some scientists that I know were part of such clubs and developed ideas there are Norbert Weiner, Ramon y Cahal, Alan Turing, Pyotr Kapitsa, among others. Counting down to the new year, I'll be posting about the societies that have fascinated me.

#science #sciencehistory

@fkamiah17 looks super interesting. Will check it out. Thanks for sharing.

If you know any undergrads who might like to work in my lab next summer, I'm accepting applications here:

Hi all, I'm a spatial cognition postdoctoral researcher and will post about rats (like these), #PlaceCells (yes it's a new hashtag) and other cool things that the #Hippocampus does, as well as random stuff.

If I have bad habits from "that other site", please help me correct them, and as a Mastodon newbie, do send me your tips or tutorials!

PS: do rats need content warning?

I wanted to share this Call for Vision Statements for New Neuroscience Collaborations funded by the Simons Foundation in case someone finds it useful. This is significant funding to tackle risky research ideas. Scientists can be based anywhere in the world. Share with people you know!

More information:

Useful webinar:

Hi 👋 Mastodon Science Community! Seems like this is the place to be these days...

I am a developmental affective neuroscientist interested in the biological and social origins of affective states and experiences (aka feelings). My lab works mostly with nonhuman animal models and studies them across their lives (womb-to-tomb) and across levels of analysis (synapses-to-social systems).

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QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
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