cells really are beautiful. Here's a photo I took about 20 years ago of one :-) @leafs_s from RT BrainRus

Group lunch today! So nice to work with all these wonderful people and it was great to have David Gueorguiev and Sarah Le from ISIR here too and present their work

- the place where in winter you can feel warmth from the sun and the icy cold wind. It can make a strange combination of a hot/cold, un/pleasant, burning/relaxing sensation. It also gives incredibly clear blue skies

The last of my tomatoes are ripening… in January (and taste ok too). Lemons are doing well

Made a festive cherry to end/start the year. Happy New Year to all!

Beautiful trees today, but the vomit smell is not appealing! conflict

Today, we wished Edith Ribot-Ciscar a very happy retirement. One of my mentors, and a truly amazing person, I have learned so much from her 40 years of research on and our shared love of . This is us with our robots - her foot-moving one and my stroking one ☺️

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