RT @washingtonpost@twitter.com
Lovers of France’s iconic, long bread loaf: Rejoice! The baguette has now earned special recognition by the United Nations as an integral part of humanity’s cultural heritage.
: https://twitter.com/washingtonpost/status/1597959987220709378
PhD position open!
If you always wanted to understand the neuroscience of human gargalesis(tickle), join us at the collaborative, multi-disciplinary and supportive research environment of Donders Institute!
Apply until 31/12: https://www.ru.nl/en/working-at/job-opportunities/phd-candidate-in-cognitive-neuroscience-at-the-donders-center-for-cognition
Please RT! #youhaveaparttoplay #ERCStG
#OnThisDay, 28 Nov 1967, PhD student Jocelyn Bell Burnell discovers the existence of pulsars.
Not included in the 1974 Nobel prize for the discovery, Bell received a £3m prize for her work in 2018. She's using it to set up a foundation to improve diversity in STEM.
These authors reject the role of internal model on position sense because "p = 0.126, d = 0.58" and " p = 0.509, d = 0.60" (N=19)
Please, don't do that.
What if they tested N=500?
New group for touch researchers!
Follow here: @tactile
There's been far less response to my inquiry about tactile researchers here - but I'll try via
rearchers in the field of #touch, tactile-motor, tactile-#multisensory, #tactile #neuroscience, sign up and paste the group name under your touch-related posts. All subscribers will see your post in their timeline.
Please spread via RT.
Today, we wished Edith Ribot-Ciscar a very happy retirement. One of my mentors, and a truly amazing person, I have learned so much from her 40 years of research on #proprioception and our shared love of #microneurography. This is us with our robots - her foot-moving one and my stroking one
New preprint together with Uta Sailer, Federica Riva, Jana Lieberz, Dan Campbell-Meiklejohn and Dirk Scheele
... demonstrating that varying #ghrelin concentrations did *not* affect #SocialReward processing
#fMRI #compliments
How do you feel? Exploring how afferents produce sensations in humans, using #microneurography. Group leader Dr Rochelle Ackerley LNC, CNRS-Aix-Marseille Univ