Dein ökologischer Handabdruck ist wichtiger als Dein Fußabdruck. Denn wir werden nicht durch individuelles Verhalten auf Nullemissionen kommen, die aber notwendig sind, um weitere Klimaerwärmung zu stoppen. Das braucht strukturelle Veränderungen.
There's an extraordinary interesting development in #German politics. Let me explain. 🧵
Germany's leftwing party 'Die Linke', was founded in 2007 through a merger of the socialist PDS (a direct successor of the East German ruling SED) & a split-off of SPD (SocDem) socialists.
It's a metaphor, people. It's not like Ron DeSantis is an actual twisted, hollowed-out sociopath, a former Gitmo torturer who kidnaps migrant children, claims slavery was vocational school for blacks, and pushes laws that promote #LGBTQ+ teen suicide. Oh wait.
Right here. The difference between #liberals and #leftists in one sharp graf, in Naomi Klein's forthcoming DOPPELGANGER
Important reporting by Christopher Mathias. Same shit, different day. "Richard Hanania, a visiting scholar at the University of Texas, used the pen write articles where he identified himself as a “race realist.” He expressed support for eugenics and the forced sterilization of “low IQ” people, who he argued were most often Black."
Vocation: Oceanographer developing numerical modeling/data assimilation/coupled ensemble forecast systems on #HPC platforms mostly using FORTRAN/ksh/python.
Avocation: Mentor/coach for grade 7-12 FIRST #FRCrobotics and #FTCrobotics competition teams, so jack of all trades in/adjacent to closed-loop control and navigation, computer vision, digital graphics, CAD/CAM, 3Dprinter/laser cutter/CNC router and other shop fab. #omgrobots