If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.

—Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

“... suffice it to say we got distracted by the technology and the details of the data...” This seems to describe the last generation of .

“Jargon is a curse; it permits professional groups to turn upon themselves....”

"We are not just stamped by our genes but also by the socialization through which are are in a position to gain access to our world and the traditions in which we exit."

Just because your data are abundant and available does not mean the data are good.

"At any given time, an individual holds multiple goals related to achievement, belongingness, identity, autonomy, and sense of competence that are deeply personal, cultural, and subjective.” From How People Learn 2

Necessity is not the mother of invention. Folks were doing everything just fine until someone made it, someone else marketed it, and now everyone wants one.

Everything we do to make learning "easy" is a waste. It is hard.

and-written notes are associated with greater retention of information compared to those who take notes by typing.

Those with deeply held preconceptions are very unlikely to be creative.

"Tsundoku." It is strange to me that folks have unread books.

Imagination and rules (defined by the participants, not imposed by adults) are essential aspects of which leads to healthy brains.

Cognition is culturally mediated; what you know and how you know it depends on what you experience.

"Those who place any faith in intelligence must surely be out of their minds.... out of their minds."
We are James, we are.

Humans tend to dismiss them information that is inconsistent with their existing beliefs.

Humans are social animals. The culture in which we live influences what and how we learn.

While we attend to novelty, humans tend to surround themselves with familiar “things.”

“ Our digital data is like water to fish.” This is my new most favorite sentence ever.

In design, we tend to value pedantry—the fussy attention to unimportant detail.

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QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
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