“... suffice it to say we got distracted by the technology and the details of the data...” This seems to describe the last generation of #edleaders. #education #school
Just because your data are abundant and available does not mean the data are good. #datadriven #evidence #leadership
"At any given time, an individual holds multiple goals related to achievement, belongingness, identity, autonomy, and sense of competence that are deeply personal, cultural, and subjective.” From How People Learn 2 #teaching #learning #education
Imagination and rules (defined by the participants, not imposed by adults) are essential aspects of #play which leads to healthy brains. #parenting
In #curriculum design, we tend to value pedantry—the fussy attention to unimportant detail. #education
Director of Teaching and Learning Innovation at a community college in New England
Retired k-12 science/ math/ technology teacher/ technology integration specialist/ coordinator