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The "Async #rust is bad" article doing the rounds fails to mention that golang is unsound. golang is the poster boy of "we did everything right, except this one thing that is super bad and the compiler won't tell you". But don't worry you only have to run your app in this data race detector until it triggers the baddies

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Rusty boosted

Poll-experiment for 24 hours:

Keep the three bars at the same length!

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Techbros: self driving cars are inevitable!

Also techbros: prove you are human by performing a task that computers can’t do, like identifying traffic lights.

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Rusty boosted

A study on #UniversalBasicIncome #UBI from 2020 is now peer-reviewed and published. The study gave $7500 cash to homeless people in Vancouver and compared their outcome versus a control group. The result was clear:

“The recipients of the cash transfers did not increase spending on drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, but did increase spending on food, clothes, and rent, according to self-reports. What’s more, they moved into stable housing faster and saved enough money to maintain financial security over the year of follow-up.”

Further, each person who moved into stable housing one year faster saves the city over $8000 per year, which makes this program cheaper than existing housing programs.

Universal Basic Income works. It sounds so obvious when you say it out loud, but: giving people cash lifts them out of poverty. We need to do that more.

“A Canadian study gave $7,500 to homeless people. Here’s how they spent it.”

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Copyleft ensures that software remains free. It's an important defense for maintaining our digital freedoms. #Copyleft #FreeSoftware

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Rusty boosted

For some reason, now and perhaps more than ever, we still feel the need to remind the public that "intellectual property" is a bogus concept, grouping multiple **completely unrelated** sets of laws. Please read and share the word! #IntellectualProperty

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If the thing you’re making wouldn’t exist if people had to opt in instead of having to opt out, maybe the thing you’re making shouldn’t exist.

#technology #humanRights #consent #respect

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Technically, the people tied to the tracks are the ones having the trolley problem

I get a cool lever

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Rusty boosted
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