@DrNeve love this:
“How could anyone ever think it was a good thing to have set prayers, instead of praying from the heart?” To this song leader of many years, I responded, “How could anyone ever think that having set hymns was a good thing, instead of singing from the heart?”
For a few years now, we've used the BCP for morning (for the readings this is audio on the drive to school with the kids) and evening prayer (a great bedtime routine) and I'm working to personally add the palms throughout the day.
Structure is helpful and it seems a way to live out the communion of the saints.
Christianity is not a western faith nor a new pop contemporary faith.
In some way, we join alongside of others throughout time and space with the BCP.
It gets all timey wimey of you think about it?
@SecondJon yes, it's a night where I mistype "of" twice in a toot.
@SecondJon thanks! Yours is very much like my experience of the offices. It indeed gets very timey-whimey — it makes me think gif a similar point in one (or more?) or T S Eliot’s poems.