Tens of millions could die from #AIDS, #malaria, and #tuberculosis by 2030—and investing in programs to fight these diseases will create huge economic dividends. Learn why now’s the time to act in the new issue brief from FP Analytics and The @GlobalFund: https://buff.ly/3UohJ4K
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/ForeignPolicy/status/1574036160732618752
Re The #COVID19 pandemic would set back India’s efforts to control #TB by nearly a decade, Madhukar Pai, director, McGill International TB Centre, Canada, had told IndiaSpend in May 2020
https://www.indiaspend.com/covid-will-set-back-indias-tb-programme-by-a-decade/ https://twitter.com/IndiaSpend/status/1316961209267245056 #India #Canada
Full-List of bots: https://joejoe.github.io/mastodon
Just joining here so following others’ examples posting an #introduction:
I do health economics research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. My research focuses on the costs of chronic disease (e.g. #TB, #HIV, HCV), and on cost-effectiveness of interventions aiming to reduce these costs and improve health outcomes.
Originally from Arizona, now in #Edinburgh. Owner of the bounciest dog you’ll ever meet, big fan of hiking/walking/exploring the great outdoors.
@gpollara agree....for such a simple looking mycobacteria is it excellent at being complex and leaving lots of unanswered questions!
@freemo I am impressed at your multitasking!! I am not so good at the tech side of things so learning my way on Mastodon but will definitely be adding TB news to this server 😀
Not sure if there are any #TB folk here yet but if so "hi"👋 Looking for #TB, #Globalhealth accounts to follow/like or whatever the term is here! Please share recommendations
Senior TB Advisor, Global Fund. Passionate about ending TB, access to medicine and lung health. Please note: the views expressed here are my own.