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I want to apologize to the whole community, sincerely, for my recent behaviors over the last 4 months.

If i have been rude or even short tempered with any of you my apologies you likely did not deserve it. Read on if you’d like to know the story and you can decide if I should be forgiven or not.

I know several months ago I made a similar apology, and this may fall on deaf ears, but I hope some of you will hear me out.

First off my last apology came at the face of an Israeli mob death threat on both me and my family. That added a lot of stress at the time and certainly led to me being a bit rude with some people, not an excuse but I do want to rehash it a bit for context. Many of you have noticed since then I do not go out without an open-carry weapon on my hip, this is why.

That said that is not the source of this apology but it is loose related.

I have been dealing with some health issues that, while not life threatening they have severely limited me in some ways. Specifically a very severe sleep disorder. The sleep disorder, and a brain fog that made it very hard for me to think and function normally. In and of itself these werent the root cause, there were underlying issues. But my attempt to treat the symptoms (since the underlying causes we unknown) actually led to a worsening of symptoms long term despite providing some help in the short term. I will explain.

Most of my life I had ADHD as a diagnosis, but it had never been a hindrance to me, in fact I saw it as something that improved my intellectual abilities overall. However this diagnosis allowed me to receive an adderall prescription to try to address the sleep disorder and brain fog, not to treat the ADHD directly, which I have been on for about the last 4 months. It was a low dose (20mg once a day in the morning to wake up). At first it addressed my symptoms with amazing results, but over time it led to a cure to my sleep issue but the brain fog got much much worse. In addition to that my irritability when interacting with people was worse and I have been quite dis-tempered with some of you, and I am deeply sorry for that if this describes you. It certainly continued to cure the sleep issue however and since normal sleep is needed for me to do my work i felt i needed to continue.

Recently however I decided to take matters into my own hands and stop relying on doctors. Instead I got labs through shady means to test for things doctors were dismissive of and wouldnt in the past let me get authorization to have tested. Namely my testosterone levels, thyroid hormone levels, and various blood sugar indicators. These tests revealed three underlying issues: 1) A severely low T-level (so low the tests couldn’t even register trace amounts) 2) An extremely high Thyroid-stimulating hormone, 3x above the maximum normal range 3) metabolic disorder causing blood sugar and insulin irregularities (which likewise led to extreme runaway hunger).

At this point I found a doctor who was finally willing to listen to me, armed with a mountain of ill gotten blood tests and managed to convince her to test me properly for verification and finally treat my underlying diseases.

As of about a week ago I started treatment for my underlying diseases, needing to take injections of about 3 drugs, soon to be 4. Knowing that the root cause could finally be addressed I figured around the same time last week I could quit both the adderall and the sleeping medication entirely. Now that the underlying treatments are starting to work, and the old treatments out of my system I feel the best I’ve felt in years. I already lost 16 lbs, my brain fog has mostly evaporated, and while my sleep is still recovering it was quite improved last night… So while i have a ways to go to be 100% I am already back to my old self, how I used to be before the brain fog began. and certainly doing better than I was doing even 6 months ago.

I will do my best, going forward to treat you all with the respect and due consideration you deserve. Again my apologies.

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So its done! I finally released a fairly easy to install (from scratch) Hugo based Static Site generator with full ActivityPub support.

It has step-by-step instructions on how to set it up for your own blog or static website.

One of the coolest features for me, other than having your static site blog posts show up as posts in the Fediverse is the support for interacting with those posts. Any replies you leave, likes, or boosts will show up in the "comments" section of the website on the page associated with the post. How cool is that!

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To help some of the newcomers make connections: name 5-7 things that interest as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same. Add to the post.

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So I got the raw 3d MRI source files from the hospital. Then I got the software needed to view the MRI in 3d. It let me rotate, slice, and even colorize the images. So **I** generated these images from the raw MRI. It shows my kidney, heart, and skeleton from 4 different angles fully colorized. How cool is that!

I also included some of just the heart and kidneys on its own from the same scan.

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@freemo how hard was it to support quote posts on #QOTO’s version of #Mastodon?

I’m a bit curious since it has taken #Mastodon multiple years to finish working on that feature lol

If there is one thing about the movement I can really get behind its the effect its having on super-conservative wait-till-marriage-for-sex couples... How many guys are out there wondering if their wife is trans with just enough doubt to ruin the relationship and put into question if they want to wait at all.

If the only effect of the trans movement is to make ultra-conservatie men and women have more sex, and sex before marriage, I am going to call that a win, maybe they will be more enjoyable to deal with if their getting laid.

Please reboost!

Trying something new, everyone is guaranteed an interview! Open interviews! For a limited time no one will be skipped (except for clear cases of abuse).

So we still have about 10 more 100% remote positions to hire for full-time market-fair positions here at QOTO/CleverThis.

100% remote, work from anywhere, even the beach, market-fair offers. Ethics first, we treat our people like family.

We have an urgent need for Machine learning experts with a background in NLP and Deep Learning (Natural Language Processing and Neural Networks). There is a focus on Knowledge Graphs, Mathematics, Java, C, looking for Polyglots.

We are an open-source first company, we give back heavily to the OSS community.

We need everything from jr to sr, data scientist to programmer. If your IT and your good, you might be a fit.

I will personally be both your direct boss, and hiring manager. I am also the founder and inventor.

The NLP position can be found at this link, other positions can be found on the menu bar on the left:

If you would like to submit yourself for an interview, which for a limited time I am guaranteeing you will get a first stage interview, then you can submit your application here, and even schedule your interview as you apply, instantly!

For those of you who cant schedule during core hours you can schedule in my free time if you’d like a chance (the company doesnt have fixed hours):

I paid 0.526USD/Hour on AWS and only get 2 FPS.

I rent a GPU on for less than 0.5USD/Hour, and I got 12.5 FPS.

Today's lesson: Do not trust AWS.

So for those of you who missed it, I am hiring for fully remote positions worldwide, everything from Jr. to Sr. Programmers and Data Scientists.

Our company mission is ML related but we are currently in stealth mode, but we are well funded and have about 15 employees now and looking to hire abou 15 more.

The company is ethics and open-source first company, you can see the link to the website below. It also donates time from its employees for non-profit open-source projects heavily.

We can especially use NLP expert at the moment as well as good programmers who know Java, Linux, and hopefully comfortable being a polyglot.

You can see all our positions here as well as some details for how to apply:

If you feel you are a fit we guarantee everyone an interview. We also offer the opportunity to make some money on the interview even if you dont get the job (through open-source bounties).

If you want to schedule an interview you can use the following link:

If you can’t find any time slots that work for you we have our extended hours link below:

Fediverse Music Audio about:

Looking for Work / Working Together - But why on Fediverse :fediverse: ?

β™« (audio download link) β™«

πŸš€ Boost if you like!
:follow: Follow + πŸ””

🎀 Lyrics and Love by

πŸ—¨οΈ Comments welcome

Topics around audio theme:

:fediverse: Fediverse collaboration, the challenges finding activity (not just prof or government approved / accepted "job" that are non-existent / being reduced by Tech / ineffective in many ways)

:fediverse: Doing it all more as collective in the hive mind 🐝
= BOTH alone 🐝 *and together* ! 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝

Audio notes:
For Fediverse platform only
Audio Creative Commons
[CC-BY-NC-SA license = Share by Attribution, Share IF Non-commercial platform, Share with same CC unless permission otherwise given on Fediverse)

Inspired by Martin
================== /

"100% remote, work from anywhere, even the beach"
That really tempted me. πŸ˜‰

Please reboost!

Trying something new, everyone is guaranteed an interview! Open interviews! For a limited time no one will be skipped (except for clear cases of abuse).

So we still have about 10 more 100% remote positions to hire for full-time market-fair positions here at QOTO/CleverThis.

100% remote, work from anywhere, even the beach, market-fair offers. Ethics first, we treat our people like family.

We have an urgent need for Machine learning experts with a background in NLP and Deep Learning (Natural Language Processing and Neural Networks). There is a focus on Knowledge Graphs, Mathematics, Java, C, looking for Polyglots.

We are an open-source first company, we give back heavily to the OSS community.

We need everything from jr to sr, data scientist to programmer. If your IT and your good, you might be a fit.

I will personally be both your direct boss, and hiring manager. I am also the founder and inventor.

The NLP position can be found at this link, other positions can be found on the menu bar on the left:

If you would like to submit yourself for an interview, which for a limited time I am guaranteeing you will get a first stage interview, then you can submit your application here, and even schedule your interview as you apply, instantly!

For those of you who cant schedule during core hours you can schedule in my free time if you’d like a chance (the company doesnt have fixed hours):

Any other country they would prohibit dropping glide bombs over populated areas. But life is cheap in Russia.

@freemo he clearly studied a dating manual, but he confused self-confidence with confidence intervals πŸ™‚

@freemo IIRC MS is a lot more common in women than men, and your first action should probably be seeing a neurologist. They'll order an MRI with and without contrast, which will show any areas of the brain with white matter problems. At this point there are a LOT of treatments available for Relapsing Remitting MS (the most common start) that are very effective at slowing or stopping disease progression. It's very different from 30 years ago when treatment was "here are steroids during your flare up" or even 20 years ago when it was the 'ABCs' (Asomething, Betaseron, Copaxone) where the first two were basically the same thing but different dosing regimens.

Basically with proper and early treatment these days MS can have less impact on your life than high blood pressure.

I suspect i might have Multiple Schlorosis in its very early stages. Among other minor symptoms the most telling is my tendency to get muscle twitches that are rhythemic in very odd muscle groups. When this happens it sticks to a particular muscle group in a reptative way for weeks or months.

Here is a video of my chin twitching as an example.

Today is the anniversary of the Kent State shootings, or more appropriately the "May 4th Massacre". In the wake of recent events and our consideration of gun control laws I think this day deserves a great deal of reflection. Four Americans were murdered, and nine more wounded, by our own national guard simply for participating in an anti-war demonstration. If we want to consider limiting access to guns on american soil lets start with our own national guard and police, not our citizens. The last thing I want to see is an unarmed populace needing to deal with a well-armed police and military force. Lets focus on securing the rights of the citizen, not giving them up

@freemo FGC-9s are free you can take them home at your nearest 3d printing enthusiast :neocat_floof_mug:

πŸŽ“ Doc Freemo :jpf: πŸ‡³πŸ‡±  
Today is the anniversary of the Kent State shootings, or more appropriately the "May 4th Massacre". In the wake of recent events and our considerat...

@freemo I'm guessing the moderator has a document in-front of them telling them to look for pubic hair and they're interpreting it very literally.

Meanwhile at FBI HQ:

"We just received a tip about a child porn ring on Faceboo- Damn it, it's a Wikipedia link again!"

@freemo Come on man! You ought to know better than to remain on Failbook!
Why are you even there? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

On a post tbat is notjing more than a single link to a wikipedia page was enough for facebook tomperminately flag me as a child porn offender. Even upon review they upheld it!

There are actually people born after 2000 who arent babies right now... I still can not accept this.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.