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Musk has used "Vox, populi, Vox Dei" to justify reinstating Trump on #Twiiter. But the quote is from a letter from Alcuin to the Emporer Charlemagne urging him to resist such ideas, "Nec audiendi qui solent dicere, Vox populi, vox Dei, quum tumultuositas vulgi semper insaniae proxima sit." Which translates as "And do not listen to those who keep saying, 'The voice of the people is the voice of God', because the tumult of the crowd is always close to madness."

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Posseggono il Verbo ma non sanno coniugarlo.

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Pietro boosted

La crisi energetica che viviamo anche in conseguenza della tensione geopolitica aggrava il problema nell'immediato, ma potrebbe essere vista come un incentivo ad una soluzione più rapida ed efficace: la ricerca di nuove fonti e/o di alternative non è "solo" ambientalista. 🧵

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I didn't take this photo but I was with my husband when he did. It was breathtaking up on Stenbury Down on the Isle of Wight, watching the mist roll in at sunset. The sheep were surprised to see us and for once the weather did what we'd hoped it would do! #SheepofMastodon

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Red roof cottage. Looking towards Shieldaig, with the Torridon mountains in the background.
Taken right now by Sam Bilner.

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"Non abbiamo l'onere della prova inversa", è un'offesa al metodo scientifico oltre ad essere un'affermazione illogica.

Non avere chiaro il concetto di Scienza, della vaccinazione ed i suoi effetti sul SSN, è semplicemente immorale.

La Storia non vi assolverà...

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"Dante, what are you doing?"

"I'm adding a circle of hell for assholes!
Here go the conspiracists, here those who share fake news, here those who got a degree on Facebook!"

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Morning everyone! Here’s another #space #picture for you all! This one is the Cygnus wall, it’s a part of the recognisable North America Nebula . It is an area of star formation which is about 20 light years long! I used a Dual band narrowband filter to cut through the Birmingham light pollution and moonlight to capture this shot
Scope was my 200mm f/5 Altair newt aka big bucket! Camera was the awesome Altair hypercam 26C
#astronomy #astrophotography #astrodon #universe

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(Secondo me questa è la cosa più bella, dopo le persone, che vi possa capitare di vedere.)

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>60% of blood metabolites are associated with either host genome or gut #microbiome 🦠, with ~70% of these associations being driven *completely* by the gut microbiome 🤯🤯🤯.

Saying this work is impresive is running short


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Revealed: the £30bn cost of #LizTruss’s disastrous mini-budget | Liz Truss | The Guardian

Right-wing #libertarians are a blight on the plolitical landscape and create a black hole for the economy.

#UK #Politics #Tories

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Pietro boosted

"89 years have passed since Thomas Parnell (...) wanted to demonstrate to the students the liquid nature of pitch. When it is cold, this material is so hard it could be hammered; nonetheless it is still a liquid. Now, to show that a material is liquid, there is nothing better to pour it into a funnel to see it drip. In fact, the pitch really does that: however, a little slower than the liquids we are used to. Today those students (who in the meantime we presume graduated, besides those as dense as the pitch) have seen just 8 drops falling, with the patient yet incessant rate of a drop every six-twelve years.
Mainstone took charge of the experiment on his 2nd day of work, in 1961, and today still waits to see his first drop fall: the poor man was never present when it happened.
Unfortunately, even if a drop takes a few lustra to form, it only takes 1/10 of a second to fall - 3 billions times less than what it takes to become a drop. The probability of catching the moment in which the drop falls are quite low, especially if you think that people have other things to do - sleeping, taking a shower, combing their hair and go out to dinner with their friends, presumably laughing if some of them complains of how boring their job is.
Thinking he was clever, in the '90s Mainstone installed a webcam in front of the funnel, to record all day and night and finally assist to the moment a drop falls, if not live, at least on streaming.
But destiny had been twice as cruel with this man.
First, causing a malfunction to the camera exactly that night in 2000 in which the drop number 8 met its fate and fell from the exit of the funnel. Then, allowing a camera, at last, to record the moment a drop succumbed to the law of gravity, and eventually fell.
But not in Brisbane.
Instead, exactly on the other side of the globe: in Oxford, where in 1944 an analogous experiment to the Australian one was set up.
The 70-years-old Mainstone, however, does not surrender; he has already found among his colleagues of Queensland someone who, after his death, will keep following the experiment."

- Marco Malvaldi, "L'infinito tra parentesi"

Translation by me, because apparently this book has not been translated in English so I apologize for any eventual mistake. It's 1:23AM, I'm tired but I truly wanted to share this piece from a book I'm loving. I can't wait to finish it so I can write a decent review. It's truly a pity that we don't seem to have an English version of this book.

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And so many of the wins have been in places where significant voter suppression is happening.

Which makes every one of them that much more meaningful and important.

Many of these were never remotely even races to start with.

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There are some online tools for finding out the Mastodon/Fedi addresses of people you follow on Twitter.

I'm not on Twitter so I cannot test them. However, if you want to have a go:

🐦 Debirdify

🔍 Fedifinder

Could you let the rest of us know your experiences in the replies?

If you want other people to find your address, put your full Mastodon address in your Twitter profile. More info here:

#Twitter #TwitterMigration

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@jeperego @insopportabile alla fine degli anni ‘80 tutta Internet era così. Le persone interagivano in gruppi tematici, chiamato Usenet news, che si diffondevano per copia da sistema a sistema, in modo lento. Spesso ricevevo una riproposta a domanda un giorno dopo.
Poi, è diventato tutto più veloce, ma quello che ha tolto il giusto di interagire è il retweet, la viralità,’ il pompaggio dell’algortmo, per alimentare l’interazione, la permanenza, il venderci bene agli inserzinisti.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.