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South Africa.

The #climate crisis is costing the world billions. The argument that we 'can't afford' to mitigate emissions is increasingly absurd. We can't afford not to. #globalwarming #fossilfuels


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I don't think this is getting the coverage it needs. Scottish government to require passivhaus standard for all new build homes. This is big. Really big. Growing out of lessons from the 70's oil crisis. Passivhaus buildings use very little energy to heat, or to cool. We've known how to do this for decades. It's gross negligence from all western governments that the same is not true of all new builds in the developed world.


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Pietro boosted

This is fossil funded corruption, plain and simple.

RT @emorwee@twitter.com

If you let any story cut through all the Twitter noise today, please let it be this:

At least six local news websites across Alabama and Florida have been secretly taking payments from power companies to run stories attacking clean energy + other policies

🐦🔗: twitter.com/emorwee/status/160

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Pietro boosted

Ruby-crowned kinglets (Regulus calendula) are lovely little birds, a quarter of an ounce in weight, with huge borb energy.

They love the shaded underbrush and absolutely cannot sit still for even a fraction of a second, so they are quite difficult to photograph, especially in low-light conditions.

Anyway, here's today's effort. Nothing epic, but fun anyway.

#BirdPhotography #birding #birdwatching #birds #borbs

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Pietro boosted

RT @GiovaQuez@twitter.com

Addio indipendenza: Aifa passerebbe di fatto in mano al Ministero Salute. Oltre alla scelta del presidente, il ministero avrebbe sempre la maggioranza in un CdA formato da presidente, due membri designati dallo stesso Ministero Salute e due membri indicati dalle Regioni (3 vs 2)

🐦🔗: twitter.com/GiovaQuez/status/1

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L'obiettivo dell'URSS era che l'Ucraina abbandonasse le proprie aspirazioni nazionali, e che la vera storia del Paese venisse seppellita.
Sono tutte cose che puoi approfondire leggendo "Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine" il libro di Anne Applebaum, scritto con evidente lungimiranza nel 2017:
amzn.to/3iqtOb2 🧶

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First light with my new scope, and loving it already 🤩
NGC2264 the Christmas Tree and Cone Nebulae

🔭 Askar 107PHQ +.7 reducer
📷 ASI2600MC
🟡 Antlia ALP-T 5nm dual narrowband
TI 2h45min

#Astrophotography #space #astronomy #ChristmasTree #goldenfilter #Nebula

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RT @con_scienza@twitter.com

La teoria dell’igiene come l’abbiamo descritta viene quindi a cadere. In particolare si scopre che non sono le malattie infettive ad allenare il sistema immunitario ma è il microbiota (i microbi buoni presenti in noi e nel nostro ambiente fin dalla nascita) a tenerlo attivo.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/con_scienza/status

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A video map of the Local Void, a large underdense region of the Universe, on the outskirts of which is located our galaxy the Milky Way, and of its relation with other cosmic voids and major overdense neighbors.

Research paper: doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/aa95

University of Hawai'i News: hawaii.edu/news/2019/07/22/vas

Check out the wonderful paper Corey S. Powell wrote on this research: nbcnews.com/mach/science/maste

#universe #cosmology #cosmography #astronomy #astrophysics #space #physics

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Pietro boosted

You certainly don't get #skies quite like this here in the UK! This is me under the spectacular #starry skies above the #ESO #LaSilla #Observatory in #Chile. Above and to the right you can see the Large and Small #MagellanicClouds. These are relatively small galaxies that orbit our #MilkyWay #Galaxy. Literally galaxy moons!

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C'è sempre bisogno di un silenzio pieno di stelle.

📸 Il centro della Via Lattea in una notte di fine estate in Val D'Orcia.

#astrophotography #astrofotografia #stars #stelle #skywatching

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"Ogni uomo vive come un selvaggio nella sua tana, e ne esce di rado per visitare il proprio simile, come lui accovacciato in un'altra tana."

Ricordando Lautréamont, morto il #24novembre 1870.

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Pietro boosted

Tra le differenze direi che Mastodon è un social network, mentre Twitter è un social media.
Non sono sinonimi: il social media massimizza il coinvolgimento del singolo, mostrandogli più spesso utenti e contenuti divisivi. Facendo così ha spazi pubblicitari più ambiti, ma viene meno alla funzione di essere una piattaforma paritaria di discussione.
Moderazione e rimozione dei contenuti divisivi tengono pulito un social network, ma per il coinvolgimento serve indignazione

Pietro boosted

In addition to my book recommendation yesterday (qoto.org/@bloc/109377741972697), I'd like to share this gem, even if the original article is in German:


This one is a textbook example of bullshit, although a pretty obvious one. For those not capable of the German language:

A professor of financial and economics tries to work out the numbers showing why bicycle and public transport are worse options going by car in terms of climate effects.
For public transport, he argues that even why those may be powered by green, locally generated electricity, this electricity could otherwise be provided to the power grid, therefore public transport was the reason CO2-intensive power plants could not be taken of the grid.
For bike, he compares the CO2 footprint of a 5 Liter per 100 km (app. 47 mpg) car with 4 passengers (no, this is certainly not the standard here) to the additional food intake a biker would need to handle longer travels (seriously!), which, for the calculation to carry home the point, is assumed to be almost pure beef.


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The UK now has an experienced king and a novice PM.

And this power imbalance at the heart of the executive may have important consequences.

How King Charles outplayed Rushi Sunak over COP27.

At Al Jazeera.


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