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If there is someone on the internet who knows how to post a tweet/gab/parley/toot at the same time, without having to do it on each platform individually, then please help me.

Wenn es jemanden im Internet gibt, der weiß, wie man einen Tweet/Gab/Parley/Toot gleichzeitig postet, ohne es auf jeder Plattform einzeln tun zu müssen, dann helfen Sie mir bitte.

Wenn es jemanden im Internet gibt, der weiß, wie man einen Tweet/Gab/Parley/Toot gleichzeitig postet, ohne es auf jeder Plattform einzeln tun zu müssen, dann helfen Sie mir bitte.

If there is someone on the internet who knows how to post a tweet/gab/parley/toot at the same time, without having to do it on each platform individually, then please help me.

Not everyone visits a museum, pays attention in school , but if you are forced to see the reality of a bombed church from WWII, the chimneys of the ovens, remnants of the berlin wall, Karl Marx's statue on a daily basis your perspective changes about how you live quite a lot.

@thebitchisback Julian Assange is not being charged with anything in the UK.

He is being held in Belmarsh so the US can appeal the rejection of extradition that was made by a British Judge.

If you think for one second that this is just about Assange and not about setting a precedent which affects all journalists world wide, you are the fool.

The court in Virginia is a rubber stamp and show trial court for the deep state.
@thebitchisback For someone who isn't a journalist according to you, He sure has won a lot of Journalism awards.
Are you jealous?

All the claims you have made have been debunked. You should do some research:

How long until Biden steps down for "Health Reasons"?

Put your money where your mouth is.
Have charges against dropped immediately and have him released! Australia does not respond to threats after all. So there are no excuses!

Watch "Nancy Pelosi used national guard to give ‘impression Capitol was under siege’"

How long until Biden steps down for "Health Reasons"?

Watch "CrossTalk | Quarantine Edition | Taking On Big Tech" -

RT @spikedonline: Apologists for Big Tech say that users unhappy with censorship can go elsewhere. The attempt to crush Parler shows this is nonsense. Silicon Valley is silencing dissent while depriving users of pro-free-speech alternative platforms, says @andrewdoyle_com

The pandering to the CCP begins!
WHO is a subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party!
You managed to steal an election by the biggest fraudulent activity I have ever seen. Let's see how much further you can screw the country that Men and Women fought and bled for!

RT @richimedhurst: ABC are playing clips of George Bush's inauguration. What the fuck is wrong with you people lol

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