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Ben Taylor boosted

RT by @CopernicusEU: 71 out of 162 ice shelves have reduced in volume around Antarctica.

This led to a release of almost 67 trillion tonnes of meltwater into the oceans.

But this ice loss was uneven.

Researchers found that the western part of Antarctica experience more ice loss than the eastern part - where some areas even gained ice!



[2023-10-20 13:54 UTC]

Ben Taylor boosted

How Canadians are hatched:

Eggs are laid in early fall and hatch mid-winter. The pucklings then make their way into the forest to forage for syrup amongst the moose.

Ben Taylor boosted

If you love data visualization, particularly geospatial, I recommend you check the 30-Day Map Challenge, which occurs during Nov for the 4th year.

#30daymapchallenge #dataviz #datavisualization #DataScience #rstats #js #python

Ben Taylor boosted

Today we got what must be the most alarming first line in a newly file sec issue to #curl:

"To replicate the issue, I have searched in the Bard about this vulnerability"

... followed by a complete AI hallucination where Bard has dreamed up a new issue by combining snippets from several past flaws. Creative, but hardly productive.

Closed as bogus.

Ben Taylor boosted

Holding a blank sheet of paper is an offence.
Throwing glitter is an offence.
Strange how we didn’t hear a single word from her when people were waving actual swastikas at vaccination centres, at pride events… nor did we hear a word about an actual gallows being erected in London.

The arbitrary vandalism of the current government aside, some of this Labour is capable of preventing now simply by announcing it will undo it.

For instance if housebuilders are saving £8k at build time by not having to meet low-carbon standards, at a later cost of £33k to the taxpayer or homeowners to upgrade, Labour could announce that when they win the next election, they will pass legislation requiring housebuilders to pay to retrofit all properties built since now that don't meet low carbon standards. So they can pay £8k now, or £33k later, their choice.

Housebuilders can read polling as well as anyone, they're not going to pay more later.

Ben Taylor boosted
Ben Taylor boosted
Ben Taylor boosted
🪐 individuals with Neurotypicalism often don't have normal, age-appropriate special interests like cosmology, mysticism, obscure subcultures, cartography, or how cats are so soft. they might be more interested in unusual things like going to work or observing sports competitions (and don't be alarmed if they cannot give you an in depth statistical or tactical analysis of them or know the complete history of the teams, they may be more interested in whether or not their chosen team has scored the larger number of points).

it's okay, they're not "weird," they just have a different culture from normal people

This is bizarre. Whose votes is this supposed to be winning? Does anyone *not* want a better boiler and better insulation?

Ben Taylor boosted

I honestly don't understand this. How can simply informing jurors of their rights according to the law, *which the judge should presumably do anyway*, constitute an offence of any sort, never mind contempt of court? And why is the decision about whether to prosecute made by a Tory MP rather than the Crown Prosecution Service?

Ben Taylor boosted

Morten Morland on #LizTruss - political cartoon gallery in London

Ben Taylor boosted

Really gutted! My old telescope mount is fried and my new one not set up yet ... because ...


I've imaged this galaxy many times before so a fresh supernova would have been a good pre/post image to catch!

One thing I really love about this galaxy is the central star-forming ring, which measures about 5,000 light years in diameter. It's a beautiful feature and one that can be captured from backyard telescopes.

A couple of older images from me first. NGC 1097 and a close-up of it core, where I compared my very shabby 1-hour, no darks, flats, bias image to Hubble's of the star formation ring. Amazed I could even get any of these results from my light-polluted backyard.

Supernova 2023rve was discovered on 8 Sept 2023, and is a great target for southern observers right now (crying) ... the galaxy reaches almost the zenith (85-degrees elevation) around 2:30 am Sydney time ... the perfect imaging time!

Also sharing a capture from South Australia by Kym Thalassoudis.

Southern observers, turn your telescopes to NGC 1097! A pulsar was just born (well, 48 million years ago it was) ...

#Astrodon #Astrophotography #Supernova #Galaxies #NGC1097

Ben Taylor boosted

Today was ... interesting. If you followed me for the past months over on the shitbird site, you might have seen a bunch of angry German words, lots of graphs, and the occassional news paper, radio, or TV snippet with yours truely. Let me explain.

In Austria, inflation is way above the EU average. There's no end in sight. This is especially true for basic needs like energy and food.

Our government stated in May that they'd build a food price database together with the big grocery chains. But..

Ben Taylor boosted
Ben Taylor boosted

What's the best* online community—I include things like work Slacks, project-specific communities, and communities formed on platforms or in the cracks between platforms—that you've ever been a part of? Don't overthink it, what's the thing that comes instantly to mind?

* Most fun, least terrible, most generative, whatever.

Disclosure: I'll never quote you without asking, but I *am* in research mode for a thing that will be public someday.

Ben Taylor boosted

On this fateful date in 2001, I woke up in a 22-story Marriott hotel right between the twin towers in NY. I had planned to linger till around 10 a.m. But a last-minute meeting made me leave at 8:15, just 30 minutes before the first plane struck. The hotel was destroyed. I was saved. But we can never forget those who perished and the heroic first responders who saved other lives.

Ben Taylor boosted

It’s not just about selling you ads.

Ex: you’re a teenager living in a highly conservative state. You’re visiting sites your ultra religious family don’t want you to. Google tracks you NATIVELY IN THE BROWSER and informs 3rd parties of your interest in LGBTQ sites.

You’re NOT SAFE using Chrome.

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Ben Taylor boosted

Finally got around to writing about briefly successful Italian salvage vessel Artiglio

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