Архитектура, что это и с чем еë едят? Чем вообще занимается архитектор? Ведь есть же множество инженеров, которые проектируют здание.
Архитектура это исскуство?
Что вы думаете об архитектуре?
@apinae thank you for your opinion! So, if I understand you correctly, architecture may or may not be art, right?
By the way, there is architecture without a function, such as pavilions at world exhibitions, or some landscape objects.
So I want to understand when architecture becomes an art? And what are these god damn architects doing anyway?:)
@Wormhole_Eddie Yes I think architecture can be art but isn’t always. I think even pavilions at world exhibition have a function. And I am not saying that art has no function. I just think that one of the key attributes of architectur is some way or form of functionality and the artsy part is secondary. (Even though some buildings are rather less functional.) Regarding your question as to when architecture becomes art, that is the same as with art itself, it is defined by culture, personal opinion, the time it was created. Some older buildings we perceive as art now, but maube at the time they were built it was just how they did it.
@apinae thank you very much for the detailed answer!
Of course, art also has a function, but this is a complex topic that deserves a separate conversation.
Here we seem to come to the question of what art is in general, and here we would like a much more open discussion.
So, I will ask this in the next post, and maybe someone else will join our pleasant conversation.
I will be glad to hear your answer if you are interested in discussing this!
@Wormhole_Eddie you write in your bio that your are an architect l, so what is your take? When does architecture become art for you?
@Wormhole_Eddie Architecture can definitely be art but at the same time always has a functional approach.