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Sure, calculators also make up random answers? Why must education always "catch up" with tech, from typewriters, radio, TV, and calculators to computers and the internet, social media, big data and language models? Maybe education has purposes beyond technical applications.

It is one thing for Speaker Kevin #McCarthy to fully release the Jan. 6 footage.

But releasing the footage EXCLUSIVELY to a Jan. 6 denier like #TuckerCarlson? That is as insane as appointing Marjorie Taylor Greene to the Homeland Security Committee.

To the Lakota, Ȟe Sápa (the Black Hills) are the place of creation, of shelter, the heart of all that is. The Lakota chiefs signed treaties to protect Ȟe Sápa in perpetuity, but as soon as gold was discovered, the US violated their agreement and stole the land. Then they carved the faces of their presidents upon Tȟuŋkášila Šákpe, the sacred mountain of the six grandfathers (earth, sky, and four directions). These men know nothing of honor, so we do not honor them.

The robots aren't taking over. They're not falling in love. They're not feeling. They don't want to be alive. They're not evil masterminds. They create word patterns based off text on the internet. Is what journalists should be saying, not gee-whiz sci-fi LARPing about fancy autocorrect.

To put it simply, the community I have on twitter is not the community I have here, and I like the community I have there. I like the people I have there, and none of this is easily replaceable or can be duplicated here.

Moreover, many of these communities are ones that have sustained me at various points in my life and I see no reason to give them up. Not for moral reasons, not for Teflon Mask, not for nothing.

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We're doing a sweeping update of our collection of climate myth rebuttals, to provide an easier on-ramp for readers most of whom find us via search, are looking for help as novices.

We've started with ten of our most viewed rebuttals, now updated with an "At a glance" introduction.

Before doing more we'd like to get feedback from as many people as possible. So, please share the link here far and wide, and take a look yourself.

Thanks a lot!


@ZingerLearns @actualham This isn't the primary reason that policy makers ignore current research, but it sure doesn't help the rest of us call them on it either.

I'm sad they left out the part where I noted that Nature, the organisation who published this article, failed to give me a meaningless "publon" when I peer reviewed for them...


Y'all realize that anti-maskers are using all the same tactics as the tobacco industry did to create doubt in #publichealth measures, right?


Mostly when I think about this issue, I feel sad for how we have underinvested in our public universities, who could be (or could have been...) an epicenter for ethical and open academic and educational publishing.

"Stop the peer-review treadmill. I want to get off"

@ZingerLearns @graciegato
Thanks for the CA update, though I wish there were no need for an update. Serious damage being done to teachers, kids and families.

@ZingerLearns @graciegato right. Like Orange County in California. It might be a little easier for local communities to organize against these moves when they are district-based, but it still takes organizing.

@ZingerLearns Yes, O thought different when I was younger but now, age brings wisdom.🤣

Not as much as this article suggests. The best policy in my experience? Leave and don't look back.

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This NYTimes article about the changes in AP African American studies is something. This quote, from one of the development leads, is baffling to me: “I think kids need to know the concept. And they need to understand the importance. But I don’t think we need to create a needless battle over a term that has been compromised by disingenuous voices”.

@maria Hmmm. I’ll call bull*hit on the #CollegeBoard ‘s response. They make money from AP tests being taken so of course when the racist governor of Florida started yelling and screaming about the audacity of including topics like BLM and teh Black gays in a discussion of Black history, they did what he asked. The #antiracist response would have been to refuse to change the curriculum.

@maria we do (respectfully) disagree. What will they do to support a teacher or students or school that runs into legal jeopardy for studying some piece of this course? If FL continues to disallow the course, will the CB allow other AP courses in the state? Will they still hold conferences at Disney? They can support with actions AND words. To this point they haven’t, and they have been shockingly naive all the way to the top of the org.

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