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Ag Terrane boosted

"The monstrous denizens of the intergalactic deep reveal themselves not through the light they emit, but by how they stir the space-time we share. When a gravitational wave moves through you, you are, for a moment, a different shape.” By me, in the Washington Post:

Ag Terrane boosted
@realcaseyrollins People there and on Bluesky basically see the fediverse as extreme control freaks in endless warfare with each other, and having to pick a server knowing which servers are at war with any other is insane, and being banned, blocked or defederated for extremely innocuous things. I think they are basically correct
Ag Terrane boosted

Please, I'm begging you, if you're a researcher, archive your data, back up your files, have a data succession plan.

Chat to your library, chat to your colleagues. The best time is as you collect the data, the second best time is now.

I'm dealing with multiple different data nightmares now. People leave academia, people retire, people pass away with a plan to make a plan.

No judgement here, just sadness for all that hard work thrown into uncertainty.

Ag Terrane boosted

Apropos of absolutely nothing, a reminder of JFK’s successful Harvard application essay

Ag Terrane boosted

“Lol, look at you showing your extremism by not liking our culture of Nazi flags at drag shows and people shooting children who ring the doorbell. Woke much, loser?”

Fuck that.

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Ag Terrane boosted
Ag Terrane boosted

Despite some stubborn clouds, I caught the International Space Station transiting the Sun today.

#Space #Sun #Science #HydrogenAlpha

When I was a kid in the sixties, I babysat for people who made a very good living from fishing. (Middle class living, owned house, single earner, family of five). Today, there are few, if any fishing boats left. San Francisco, the same. I wonder what happened-- overfished? factory fishing? climate change? Just a thought on earth day.

Ag Terrane boosted

Calling it a gotcha that I "critique Biden policies after voting for him" is what's wrong with US politics today.

Voting for him doesn't mean I can't critique him—it's literally the best reason to be critical. It's called holding electeds accountable. It's how democracy works. And it’s how political parties work when they aren’t cults.

Toots in my lists seem to be missing (msg:There is nothing in this list yet. When members of this list post new toots, they will appear here).

I checked, and some list members had tooted today. I haven't been on-site recently, so I may have missed something.

Can someone direct me to the info I need to reactivate the lists.

Thank you in advance.

Ag Terrane boosted
Ag Terrane boosted

Did you feel shaking in central #California a short time ago? At 3:23 p.m. PT there was a M4.5 #earthquake located about 32 km ENE of Salinas. Shaking was felt by 1000's across central California.
Report #shaking here:

Ag Terrane boosted

For many people, reproductive rights feel like a non-issue because they would never think about having an abortion. But even if you are actively trying to expand your family, abortion bans passed by Republican-dominated legislatures across the country could affect you and your family.

That is because the reach of these invasive, oppressive laws goes far beyond abortion. We explore why that is today in The Big Picture:

Ag Terrane boosted

I'll be honest, I've been neglecting Mastodon for the last few months. But I'm back, recommitted and curious: What do you want to see from journalists on this app? Let me know your thoughts!

Ag Terrane boosted

It's just like Les Misérables, except Jean Valjean is worth $200 billion and he wasn't stealing bread to feed children, he was stealing employees' charitable donations to fund his failing vanity project.

Ag Terrane boosted
Ag Terrane boosted
Ag Terrane boosted

Don’t know who took this shot but it’s kinda epic: a Great Grey Owl lands on a photog’s camera.

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