Hello Mastodon
So great to find/follow you here, Anton!
Big fan of your YouTube channel!
@esepajaronegro still trying to figure out how this works
@antonpetrov I like the desktop layout vs the app layout.
I follow the Fediverse for tips, etc.
So far it looks like once you populate your follows your timeline will start to make more sense than all the random posts. There's no algorithm so you sort of have to create your scene.
Also, #hashtags are important here, and you can Follow a hashtag so that can also help tailor your feed.
Speaking of, let me go see if the James Webb is on here!
@antonpetrov Anton, if this is really you - my wife and I love your videos! Keep up the good work!
@Skunkroot @antonpetrov It is really him, the account link was posted on twitter too
@73ms @antonpetrov Great! Thanks.
@antonpetrov Hello, wonderful person.
@antonpetrov With the “hello world“ equivalent, your presence is now official.