Basically it is a firefox add-on. So you are on a website (such as an article or a webpage that you are reading and you want to share it to your #Mastodon instance), instead of copy paste the URL, if you click this extension, then it will bring up a pop-up populated with your instance link where you can post the link to the page with some notes and comments. Works for a number of different servers. You can configure your own instance on the configuration of the extension. This only works for firefox.
Fedishare – Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US) https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/fedishare-addon/
A great point. A few days ago I wrote if we can have something like #DOI for #toot posted on #fediverse. Assigning a DOI is fine but there needs to ways to make sure these are persistent. Then there are issues around evaporating instances, here today, gone tomorrow. So spreading status updates on more than one instance is in order.
Another design consideration re: Mastodon is that it works well for ephemeral asynchronous communications, but for many reasons should not be counted on as an archival resource. Media attachments are periodically purged and may not be available after a week, or a month, etc. While some servers may try to preserve content forever, this may be costly and unsustainable. Creators, researchers should treat this as an ephemeral resource and make provisions for self-archiving anything important.
Sea level rise is accelerating around the globe, now twice as fast as two decades ago: 4.4 mm per year https://public.wmo.int/en/media/press-release/eight-warmest-years-record-witness-upsurge-climate-change-impacts #moa
Mastodon friends -- a fun weekend query!
What's an example of a food that was unknown to you as a child, but which, now, is something you've come to love?
For me, it's the szechuan peppercorn. The first time I had it, maybe just 10 years ago, the weird numbing-tingling-spiciness blew my mind. "What the heck is this, and can I please have it all the time???"
According to the Wikipedia entry, there is even distinctive word for the taste in Chinese: "málà (Chinese: 麻辣; "numb-spiciness")
@edutooters @aus_teach @stefanhansen that Obsidian, i will try out! I usually rely on Stackedit.io since it is web based. I will try these out!
Estimating the Incidence of Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy (FEVR) in The State of Michigan https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.11.11.22282229
New blog post: How I (try to) keep up with learning in machine learning.https://vickiboykis.com/2022/11/10/how-i-learn-machine-learning/
The post is pretty meaty but the tl;dr is:
1. Learn broadly
2. Then narrow your focus and learn deeply
3. Don’t be afraid to use multiple resources to learn the same concept from different angles
4. Do projects to reinforce your learning
চমৎকার ব্যাপার জিতাংশু!
চালিয়ে যান মশাই!
Bengali language post alert: ফেডিভারসের প্রথম পাঠ
আমি নিজে একটা ফেডিভারস সার্ভার বানালাম লেখালিখি আর কথাবার্তার জন্য।
ম্যাসটোডন নয়, তবে সহজতর।
Post in Bengali: ফেডিভারসে স্বাগতম!
এটা একান্তভাবে নিজেদের বাংলা ভাষায় বা নিজেদের মধ্যে আলাপচারিতার জন্য বানালাম। আপনি স্বাগত!
Bengali language post alert: ফেডিভারসের প্রথম পাঠ
ফেডিভারস কি ও কেন এই নিয়ে একটা ছোট লেখা লিখলাম, এটা জানলে ম্যাসটোডন ধরণের সামাজিক মাধ্যমে লেখালিখি করার সুবিধা হতে পারে জনগণের, এই কথা ভেবে শুরু করা,
"Removing of mask mandates was associated with an additional 44.9 Covid cases per 1,000 students and staff members, corresponding to an estimated 11,901 cases during the 15-week period, the scientists concluded."
The R Foundation is now on Mastodon. Follow us for official news about the R Project for Statistical Computing. #rstats
🤖 Android + Pixelfed
Our android mobile app beta will be rolling out later this week!
Spread the word 😉 #pixelfed
Ha ha! Good one!
Professor, Epidemiologist. Doctor (ENT specialist). Professor of Epidemiology and Environmental Health at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand.
Interests: lego MOCs, wood carving, mountain biking, tramping.