Purism will allow bigoted content on their servers
Purism will allow bigoted content on their servers
@brainblasted Morality can't be ignored. They advertise "profit maximization is not the purpose" and their action "shall be devoted to ensuring the security, privacy, and freedom of the users of its products": https://puri.sm/about/social-purpose. So, they can't defend a position that anything legal is admissible to them. There is enough to read on "legal but harmful". Instead of excluding them, discussion should continue.
re: Purism will allow bigoted content on their servers
@brainblasted @Doudouosm
the harm what are you talking about how weak do you think poeple are. if they are that weak they should seek some help and stay offline because that can never be healty. maybe they have bigger problems then seeing bad words online.
re: Purism will allow bigoted content on their servers