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lol god DAMN this is the entirety of the White House statement on the death of #henrykissinger.

This is about as close as I think you could get to Biden publicly saying "fuck that guy I'm glad he's dead."

My dentist friend was telling me about how she's the one dentist at a practice, but the practice is owned by some guy out in California. So I figure he's a denture capitalist

I suppose it's worth asking my extensive mastodon network: I'm trying to buy a ticket to Austin City Limits this saturday. Anyone looking to sell a day pass?

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Here's a short video from Latvia showing why you shouldn't treat railway lines as a playground.


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This is possibly the funniest social insect study of all time. To keep them from eating all the food, female wasps stuff male wasps head-first into empty cells and threaten to sting them if they try to escape.


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The Daily Beast is reporting that Elon Musk ordered engineers to switch off his Starlink satellites just as Ukraine was preparing to attack the Russian naval fleet with drones. He said he feared nuclear retaliation by Russia. It’s high time we ask the question: How much power and influence does it make sense to hand just one person?

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'We’re speaking out—despite pressure from the WVU administration to remain silent—because we’re impelled by our responsibility as employees and stewards of this public university to safeguard its integrity and its future.'

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Al Jazeera’s Defence Editor Alex Gatopoulos explains how Ukraine's troops appear to be nearing a breakthrough.
Ukraine’s months-long counteroffensive at the crossroads
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Break out those pumpkin spice lattes! Our coolest temps in weeks arrive Tuesday and Wednesday behind Monday's "cold" front. #txwx #atxwx

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If this isn't a hoax it could change the world, and this isn't hyperbole.

Video of a room temp superconductor:

Paper pre-print (not yet peer reviewed:

Paper ends with the line:

"We believe that our new development will be a brand-new historical event that opens a new era for humankind."

#physics #science #preprint #superconductor #lk99 #quantum

Babe wake up, new ambient pressure room temperature superconductor just dropped
Here it is demontrating levitation due to the Meissner effect

It's easy to make and easy to test so if it's legit we'll see reproductions in the next few days. Exciting stuff

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Some outstanding conceptual judo in the opening paragraph of this proposal. “Often depend … may assume … certain aspects of”… therefore we would like to propose killing non-chrome user agents in general ad blockers in particular.

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The failure of the Internet to deliver its promise is particularly noticeable when you hunt for repair manuals for a product from the 90s. Used to be, the information would either be there or not there, finable or unfindable.

Now, there are hundreds of algorithmically generated sites claiming to have it just because it appeared in their search logs, generating potemkin village content traps with endless paging, broken-thumbnail named-like-the-file-you-want but actually-just-ebay-photos bullshit

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me waiting in line for the New Republic of America to purge me for being an academic: This line is sillymoded. Honestly this is very applestorecoded. Hey you have to listen to me, I can't post this stuff, they threw my phone in the thought incinerator. The thought incinerator is honestly sillycoded

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There's hardly anyone on here from my university, so searching for #UTAustin just returns a ton of insects as if what UT does is just 100% bugs all the time.

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When an app asks for permissions, the OS should not only let you answer yes or no. Every category should havev a "yes, but feed the app fake data" option.

Want my contacts for no reason? Have these generated fake ones! Wanna listen to my microphone? Here's random ambiance sounds! Location? I'm on a tiny 5x5m island!

Hell yeah! Put it all in your databases!

Actively sabotaging and punishing services wins over boycotts any day.

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.