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Earlier this year, I became aware of STANDARD EBOOKS, a donation-dependent group of edtiors and layout experts who have been doing the amazing work of taking out-of-copyright books, turning them into top-quality ebooks, and then releasing them for free.

Some of the books they've done are in the Internet Archive here:

They're seeking 75 patrons in December to keep themselves afloat, consider donating to this amazing cause.

One of the oldest known musical instruments in the world: a Paleolithic #flute made from a #swan's wing bone some 40,000 years ago!
The preserved lenght is about 12.6 cm with three finger holes. The original length of the flute is unknown.

Found in Geissenklösterle cave on the Swabian Jura, south-western Germany.

On display at Landesmuseum Württemberg.

#iceage #music #archaeology

US: 32% of Black adults worry every day or almost every day that they might be threatened or attacked because of their race or ethnicity. So do 21% of Asian adults and 14% of Hispanic adults. Many have made changes in their daily schedule. #PewResearch #BlackMastodon @anthropology @sociology

Given the rich abundance of learning materials and tools online, we're at the very beginning of a revolution in peer-to-peer learning. The peeragogy project has been going on for over 10 years now: learn the latest, access the peeragogy handbook, find out how to participate at

This is what i wrote about it 11 years ago, when i initiated the project, which has since been taken up by a worldwide community:

#education #learning #pedagogy #p2p

For a few years, a few people have been talking about "AI for IA" -- artificial intelligence for intelligence augmentation. It looks like #chatgpt is a powerful candidate for such a tool. What is lacking so far is a guide to how to use it specifically for that purpose

#ToolsForThought #ai #technology

A group at Johns Hopkins has created a scrollable, interactive map of the entire universe, from here to the cosmic microwave background.
Extraordinary discoveries at your fingertips for free, unimaginable when I was a kid. #astronomy #space #exploration

At 60 degrees north we don't get very many hours of daylight at this time of year but the light we do get can be incredible #Shetland #Scotland #horse #Shetlandpony




1. 一位老师的同事在核酸检测前打了疫苗,结果呈阳性,后来再测试呈阴性(也就是假阳性)。然而,她在家隔离了一个学期!学校担心风险也把她开除了。

2. 问疫情有没有明显改变个人的观点、信仰或价值,收到的非常矛盾的回答(见图2)。可能很有代表性?

3. 对于受访者或小城里的人来说,「病毒和抗议者都是幽灵」(those are the ghosts: both the virus and the protesters.)。

4. 「我们应该把抗议活动看作是可能是一个更漫长的过程的一部分,因为中国公民要接受这样一个事实,即他们的制度中的缺陷可能比他们过去所容忍的要大。」

Some photos come easy , some not so much.. Nugget point is a spectacular area with a great lighthouse but its quite out of the way

I spent a long weekend camping close by and visiting every morning and evening sat on a cliff edge waiting for good light, wind, rain, 200m drop just to my right

Glad to say this time it paid off!

#PhotoMonday #Aotearoa #nz #Photography #Nature #naturephotography #LandscapePhotography #NewZealand #LongExposure #

That "round up for charity button" at CVS checkout? CVS used it to pay money they already owed to the American Diabetes Association as the result of a previous lawsuit. Basically they tricked customers into paying CVS's debts under the guise of "charity"

Some historical precedents for denser ground-oriented housing choices (what I coined #GentleDensity) just make you melt. This is Schnoor Quarter in #Bremen, Germany —“life before the car” via @heuristics. It’s too low density for places that really need & can support well designed higher densities, but it’s an excellent alternative to low density sprawl. Nothing stops us from building something like this today, except our rules, biases and lack of political will. #missingmiddle #cities #urbanism

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.