1 year bidden, the rest is kemala #uspol
thousands maneuver available in ur arsenal
only 5 people, because everything else was product feed and page update.
facebook already disconnecting friends for years.
If pepe escobar jump from facebook, I'll follow lmao. the only reasons I need facebook was him and my other friends.
#youtube what gives?
1) yt got money from donation >20% percentage of it
2) this is pure censorship effort, killing by hungering them.
if you're on linux, and don't know about this software
you're a really miserable being, just know it for 3 days and play with it a lot!
smart 5 years aged rum from islami.co | translate it to english
basically contemporary Islam community aren't against w/ freespeech but for some it's always bear consequence.
even christian also hates justification of abortion to be discussed freely.
but sadly this article doesn't elaborate as of why and how to reduce to radical reaction to the issue. okay it's blasphemous, but why kills?
short summary
My 2 opinion piece in regards of attack on france :
1. https://qoto.org/web/statuses/105127076407504220
2. https://qoto.org/web/statuses/105131873400094825
- I believe there's a globalist effort to provoke horizontal wars,
- I believe muslim killings is the part of their sunnah (they eat the bait),
- I believe there''ll be a major upheaval in europe this is the bomb triggered by the foolishness of the governments,
- Europe should fix the current problem and punish those bad politician and extradite them (in the case they're running) - traitor should not be spared,
- Soon if war is big enough - there'll be born new consciousness about things.
- While that happened - wealth transfer will happen unnoticeable.
useful idiot are easy to fools and find.
Underpaid Apologist, sincerely hungry for any explanation. Reporting my findings, Call me Jon
this is me on normal mode @indonische