ALSA is a Huuuge Conspiracy
Pulseaudio on Linux: Bloat, Based or Both? (Or Bneither) -
My last writing about terrorism in bahasa
2 years ago,
distressing story
And also just want to add one thing : they way of christian to deal with this is to be more open about what they think and be the light to the darkness.
it's clear the terrorist/killer are wrong, the victims haven't done something bad, they killed only by simply existing and different.
If you're designer, you might want one.
distressing story
Here we go again with terrorism in Indonesia,
it has been a while the last big hit was suicide bombing, siblings went into the church by motor and want to go and get his heaven by blowing up people. Prevented by the security, and blasted outside of the church - and there's 2 other attack happened in the same time, by one family
if you're from a RIGHTEOUS RELIGION, it doesn't do this way. You might want everyone to go into the heaven together and not accelerating their way to hell.
Are the True God wanted people to go to heaven or hell?
Can you force God with the bounty in your hand? Nope
Can you force God?
those suffer will go into heaven, those villain will be damned.
Satisfying food
" dejavu "
War against Iran will escalate, in the near future
this is the fact Iran vs Israel you can judge for yourself. as usual, adult information I mean fact-check yourself.
WTF hahaha
Mac M1
remember the word of sage :
always reject ❌ to be in the vanguard,
always reject ❌ to be the first test subject,
if you don't own the perfect information
there'll be no easy
Underpaid Apologist, sincerely hungry for any explanation. Reporting my findings, Call me Jon
this is me on normal mode @indonische