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> Das Auswärtige Amt unter Annalena Baerbock beauftrage Visagisten für etwa 137.000 Euro.

> Erneut haben Geheimdienste eines EU-Staates Strukturen aufgedeckt, mit denen Russland offenbar Einfluss auf die bevorstehende Europawahl nehmen will.

continuing posting nice things: flower of amelanchier, looks very nice as full tree!

ich wurde natürlich geblockt 💁

:gnu: bonifartius 𒂼𒄄  
@Nike_Leonhard @GuidoKuehn abgesehn davon lässt es tief blicken wenn inhaltlich nichts zu den themen kommt, sondern instinkthaft versucht wird in a...

german state media is triggered by tradwives and happy families existing.

time to trigger them some more.


die eigenen sozialhilfeempfänger kann man gängeln wie man mag. zwingen die kinder in den kindergarten zu geben zur erstindoktrination. die sind ja schließlich die eigene untertanen.

having a good case of it's so over right now, but that's probably the stomach flu talking 😬

otoh it's pretty tiresome to go against the grain almost everywhere as everyone seems to have drank the cool aid.

can't really see the point anymore right now. assholes with their psyops will win anyway.

oh noes, spooky NGO ops just like every major country does.

Erik Jonker  
"Farmers" with Soviet flags blocking borders between Poland and Ukraine are almost certainly an example of russian hybrid warfare. This is the stan...

> All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

:gnu: bonifartius 𒂼𒄄  
Göring: Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get ...
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