@mk @theorytoe sorry, the relevant articles aren't available in simple english :)
@mk @theorytoe if running 16 kernels eats all your ram, you have other problems. 16 containers have to be updated as well. with a sane diatribution i have security updates in around one day 💁
@mk @theorytoe
pretty easy, they can't be more safe than the technologies they are composed of. in practice they are more insecure because of the bullshit update mechanisms.
"lastly, i'd be careful to calling other people retard when using "bro"."
fuck you, faggot.
@nexus_plasma zeit für nen neuen konkurrenzfussballverband?
@mk @theorytoe
- vms can use dynamic allocation for years now.
- containers provide absolutely no additional security.
running on the host is perfectly fine. it only requires one to know what one is doing, of course.
lastly, i'd be careful to calling other people retard when using "bro".
@mk @theorytoe you missed the point. containers just make things harder. they are nice rube goldberg machines for shit languages like python which are hell to deploy.
when just installing everything from packages, things will receive timely security patches of the distribution.
when using VMs, one has to upgrade a few VMs for this. not great, not terrible.
with containers one has to hope that some image down the stack will be upgraded to include the fix, while the whole setup provides worse isolation than VMs (which already is prone to leakage). with containers the isolation is essentially the same as for plain linux users and chroot. no improvement. cgroups limiting resource usage can be set by the init system, i think systemd does this already.
containers sure have their use case, but mostly they are a crappy solution waiting for problems.
in the end the image is a meme which makes the point that ftp-ing a directory full of php scripts worked better than all the modern shit.
@Moon what did he do now? xD
@McMongoose alles was sonst länger dauert wie kartoffeln oder getrocknete bohnen. geht einfach schneller dann. zum einkochen ist der auch super weil es heisser als 100°C wird!
ok, dieser artikel liest sich weitestgehend wie "aktuelle zahlen". es kommt nur einmal ziemlich versteckt im text vor das es eine komplett ersponnene prognose ist:
> Besonders stark steigt die Todesrate bei Darmkrebs im Altersbereich von 25 bis 49 Jahren nach der Prognose des Forschungsteams für 2024 verglichen mit dem Zeitraum 2015 bis 2019 in Großbritannien: [...]
der rest des artikels sagt dann weiter "alles gut, die zahlen gehen voll nach unten!"
die quelle dann so:
> Materials and methods
> Based on cancer death certification and population data from the World Health Organization and Eurostat databases from 1970 until the most available year, we predicted deaths and age-standardized rates (ASRs) for 2024 for all cancers and the 10 most common cancer sites. We fitted a linear regression to the most recent trend segment identified by the joinpoint model. The number of avoided deaths since the peak in 1988-2024 was estimated for all cancers and CRC.
soso, linear fit.
mein aluhut dazu: hier soll der anschein erweckt werden das alles ok ist, obwohl grade reihenweise leute an turbokrebs durch die sogenannten impfungen verrecken.
@r000t how anyone still can think "will not happen" after the last few years is a mystery to me :)
@r000t yip.
maybe people are just unsettled by the thought of someone rubbing one out to fake nudes? which is a bit misguided as well as in all likelihood someone is doing that anyway. fake nudes or not.
@r000t normal people should just embrace the plausible deniability the AI fakes give. photography essentially is worthless as evidence now. video will soon be worthless. instead they choose to be triggered that someone might do pr0n with all the pictures they posted out of vanity for the whole fucking world to see, as they got zero impulse control.
legislators want AI to be gone because of the implications for evidence. they want the fun tools to create incriminating shit to jail everyone of bother.
@roland @m0urs@social.urspringer.de ich bin immernoch der blinddarm der nicht notwendig ist für das überleben des gesamtkomplexes 💁
state licensed lolbert and hypernatalist with a breeding kink. never watched rick & morty and i'm proud of it.
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one day at a time.