Tooters, may we speak about the heating?
I want this marvelous tank, but in the USA if it's not dutifully expensed in a system then there's no discussing it. This is shameful and we can do better.
This tank used to be called a Rotex, is now called a Smartcube, because in 2023, round is square.
Sold Down Under, yet manufactured in Germany, this Swiss army knife of thermal storage is high tech from the 1970's. So we could make it on any continent, at an affordable price, and have our governing bodies rebate us. We just couldn't call it a smartcube. Let's call it a piggy tank.
You would put all your loose heat in there for a rainy day. I don't know if you've heard but rainy days are coming.
Let's get everyone a piggy tank, ok?