Let's say you're a fulltime park ranger and you're concerned about the herd drinking from a certain water hole, for whatever reason. You've counted 595 creatures, and about a third always go to that crummy watering hole, no matter the circumstances, so about 198 really thirsty head always drinking from the messed up water hole. And then one day there's a big storm, and the normally really stubborn, healthy, strong-willed 198 members of the herd don't show up to drink. It's only 55 at the crummy water spot. Then your boss says u musta counted wrong. And you, being agreeable, indicate it's possible. But you know even if the count was I little bit off, many members of the herd are losing interest in that crummy watering hole. It's a trend, and the boss is wrong to rely on percent and not face the actual numbers on the ground.