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Signed the petition to enable downloading Dutch public broadcasting content without #DRM again - - #Netherlands cc @dbd

stranger danger levels are critical

(98%) ■■■■■■■■■□

🇩🇪 A german fork is in it's very early first steps. I'm working on the prerequisites currently. But if someones already interested:

It's maintained by me, @tobias, and supported by @paulakreuzer. Ideas welcome, just dm or @ me 😊

Important: There was a bug in #Halcyon 2.3.3 which sent answers to other posts as completely new posts without context.We've released a #Hotfix and recreated version 2.3.3.Please reinstall Halcyon 2.3.3 as soon as possible!You can get it as always from

this week has been for tech fails, apparently. Still can’t log into one of my email accounts in Outlook on either my Android phone, nor my computer. Microsoft, How many authentication factors do you need, again? Two, isn’t it?

43° 48.108 N -71° 48.222 W

Open Invitation for Domain Camp 2019 | Domains of Our Own (BoffoSocko)
We are setting up camp again to start the week of June 11, 2019. Are you interested? If so, please sign up and let us know.

More for the blinks, but the moment that happens when you can’t log into one of your accounts to check message board progress. Thanks Dell for providing a completely inaccessible CAPTCHA, and thanks Microsoft for locking me out of an old college Office 365 account so I can’t change the ...

Cultural Intelligence Can Mean the World to You on World Culture Day - Direct2Dell (Direct2Dell)
Life and business can take us to many varied and incredible places around the world, exposing us to unlimited opportunity, unlimited talent, unlimited

Transactional email providers with low delivery failures are not cheap.

New monthly costs:

$80 - email provider
$40 - dedicated server (media)
$40 - vps (app/db/redis)
$30 - cloudflare (pro + 2 managed tls certs)
$20 - backups, Spaces, CDN
$20 - server

This is starting to get expensive 😅

Quick question for @manton. If you have your feeds from an external site going to cross posts, Mastodon, for instance, will replies from there come back to the external site?

Well, looks like I'll be removing the mastodon support from the feeds I have on Micro.Blog. Only because with the activitypub plugin, I actually get replies to come back to my site. if you want to follow my blog directly, it's @cambridgeport90.

I got the words "jacuzzi" and "yakuza" confused, now I'm in hot water with the Japanese mafia.

Mastodon isn't a Twitter clone but it was made to fill that exact niche. Short posts with mentions, hashtags, and URLs. Such details give the feel of a platform. The velocity, the atmosphere. On a personal level that's just what I like. And I think it would be reasonable to assume many of those who signed up do, too.

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Just set up to handle all of my syndications from now on to here; I can remove a couple of plugins, then, it looks like. Hence people who are already following me, just continue to follow me here; wish though that offered the option for full content like the Wordpress plugin does. And will have to set up BridgyFed, which I didn't necessarily want to do, but at least it keeps you guys from having to follow two different accounts for me.

Didn’t know Microcenter had the more advanced models of the Ubiquiti equipment in their stocks. Looks like they do. New, or there all along?

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.