@keithnator3000 welcome aboard 🥳 did you try #coffee #roasting yet ? a bit scary before you try, but you'll love the experience !
@keithnator3000 the roasting itself is an exquisite experience, lots of different scents to discover. you can adjust the roast according to the beans varieties and your personal taste, eg. city for pour-over and full-city+ for espresso. lots of things to experiment. it take about 15 min to roast, and better to let the coffee stand overnight for espressi, but it is all up to you to roast fresh batches regularly or have a complete bean to the cup experience on a saturday morning 🤩
@certainlytwice Am I getting talked into waking up early on a weekend? Tempting.
@certainlytwice I have not tried to roast my own coffee, but it has crossed my mind to do so. I do like the ritual of grinding some coffee and warming some water for my moka pot, french press or turkish pot. Maybe I will feel more whole by roasting too?