Macron 2023: "who could have anticipated the climate crisis?"
Everybody else, since 1979: ✋✋✋
RT @Inafr_officiel
CRISE CLIMATIQUE. «Qui aurait pu prédire la crise climatique ?» La formule d'Emmanuel Macron lors de ses vœux a fait réagir. Depuis plus de 40 ans, les alertes sur le réchauffement de la planète se succèdent.
Principles of gene regulation quantitatively connect DNA to RNA and proteins in bacteria
Different structural variant prediction tools yield considerably different results in Caenorhabditi ...
RT @ccasola
Hey #molecularevolutoin twitter, which papers or preprints made it to your top list of readings this year?
Chasing the impossible dream of keeping up with the literature..
RT @biorxiv_genomic
Transposable element and host silencing activity in gigantic genomes #biorxiv_genomic
Please boost to help save the Arctic. We’ve learned a lot about permafrost (frozen ground) and its role in global climate over the past decade. Unfortunately there are some false narratives being driven by the media. Here are some facts driven by our best science. 1) Permafrost underlies 1/4 of N hemisphere land and >1/2 of Canada. This makes 🇨🇦 more of a permafrost nation than a hockey nation. Frozen ground is literally a backbone for ecosystems and infrastructure. 1/
Folks, there are and more great #threads arriving here, and we should celebrate (and boost) them IMHO - but let me reiterate what others have pointed out: Threads are more readable if all but the first post are sent "unlisted" rather than "Public" (these options are behind the little globe below the editing window). It's easy to do and ensures that future readers can start from the beginning, rather than having to scroll back and forth to find the first bit.
@fer yes, I haven't read it all yet, but I think it's right to be cautious given the potentially small thread of evidence and possible sources of artefacts in this type of bioinformatic analysis. But def worth digging!
A plant 🌱 #transposon in the human genome?
RT @marinetondelier
@OlivierKlein93 @gouvernementFR C'est faux.
A ma connaissance, le 115 du 93 est à l'heure actuelle toujours saturé. 227 demandes non pourvues hier dans ce seul département, dont 93 mineurs et 31 moins de 3 ans.
Si vos chiffres diffèrent, alors parlons-en vraiment. Le sujet mérite mieux qu'un débat twitter.
Heritable epigenetic variation facilitates long-term maintenance of epigenetic and genetic variation
RT @SimonOrozcoA
I am very happy to announce my latest published paper. Inpactor2: A software based on four neural networks to detect, filter and classify LTR retrotransposons in plants.
@azzurite but quite relevant when looking for health-associated genetic variants
@azzurite Ho yeah this is super-duper-niche ;)
Comparison of calling pipelines for whole genome sequencing: an empirical study demonstrating the importance of mapping and alignm
RT @hub_te
Today we are thrilled to release the first collection of #TEhub video #tutorials featuring 7 #bioinformatics tools and ressources to analyze #Transposons! In order of appearance…🧵⬇️ 1/11
Evolutionary Biology, Bioinformatics, #Transposons
Research Associate // Bourque Group // McGill, Canada