Thread très intéressant sur "le parti nationaliste" raciste 🧵
RT @doflamingott
Comment le gropuscule Parti Nationaliste adoptant l'idéologie fachiste est née en Tunisie et pourquoi est-ce qu'un rapprochement entre son fondateur et Saied serait dangereux ? [Thread]
Kais Saieds hate speech against Africans is deliberately inciting and racist, and - in the midst of a crackdown against the opposition and a socioeconomic meltdown, serves political calculations. Yet this strategy is neither new in #Tunisia nor neighboring states.
In 2017, in times of a tug-of-war for power btw regime clans and a socioeconomic crisis, #Algeria-n social media was flooded with anti-African hate speech and calls for violence, often under the # "No to Africans in Algeria" 1/3
The thread below (in French) explains why the recent #antiblack campaign in #Tunisia (spearheaded by a #fascist party called #Parti_Nationaliste_Tunisien) is nothing about applying the law against "illegal" #immigration. It's all about a deep hate against #Black_people.
Your irregular reminder that Monopoly was invented as a game to teach kids why monopolies are bad.
We have forgotten this, but this blog post will help remind everyone. Including folks who want to play Monopoly with you.
So for $27/month you get to browse your ad-rigged feeds using your “verified” handle on a couple of social media sites AND get interrupted by ads when watching shows and movies? What happened to ad-free premium subscriptions? I thought the whole point of ads was to generate revenue, which premium sub’s proceeds are meant to more than make up for.
This train has taken the wrong turn a long time ago, and if you still haven’t jumped off, I really don’t know what to tell you…
It was an overwhelming moment
RT @MeshkalTn
Black people in Tunis, both Tunisian & non, have reported being scared to leave their homes following racist violence in recent days, while many associations have urged them to stay home for their safety. Here people cheer the anti-racism march underway from their balcony
@ben all the way
Respect et chapeau bas @ChaimaB
RT @10Millions2Po
Grande estime pour @ChaimaB et sa voix libre,engagée et courageuse dans ce vacarme.Bravo madame✊🏼
Nos médias ne sont pas tous médiocres.Tous les jours,y'a des hommes et des femmes qui se battent pour maintenir l'un des derniers acquis qui nous reste de la révolution.Force à vous!
@ente this is not how you encourage people to degoogle 🤦
@moonneighbour le plus triste c'est que beaucoup de tunisiens disent ces conneries sans ironie
RT @tounsiahourra
في جنازة مواطن تونسي أسمر البشرة، توقفت دورية أمن أمام مسكنه ظنا منها أن الأمر يتعلق بمواطنين من أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء لتسأل أحدهم "هل تسبب هؤلاء السود في شجار"؟. ضحك الراوي وأجاب: نحن تونسيون وفقدنا عزيزًا.
بلاد #العنصرية والفوبيا والقبح بأشكاله المتنوعة.
@surveillancepod I use Nunti as a RSS reader on Android. It has a cool feature called Adaptive learning, which allows the user to rate the articles and then the algorithm (dirty word, I know) sorts the articles based on his preferences.
You can find a detailed explanation on how the algorithm works in the link below :
Tunisian 🇹🇳 Pharmacist 💊 Romanista 🐺
I'll toot about whatever