"If anybody wants to know what political democracy is, the answer is simple; it is a desperate and partly hopeless attempt to get at the opinion of the best people- that is, of the people who do not trust themselves. A man can rise to any rank in an oligarchy. But an oligarchy is simply a prize for impudence. An oligarchy says that the victor may be any kind of man, so long as he is not a humble man." -G. K. Chesterton, "Lunacy and Letters"
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Good morning to readers. Kyiv remains in Ukrainian hands.
Some career news: I’m leaving NPR as part of the layoffs that dramatically reduced the company’s workforce.
I’ve decided to go back into Ukraine to keep reporting.
But this time, alone.
Because we know that evil is real, we also have an idea that justice is desirable. Although we quibble about the details, we know that when "something wrong" happens, we want it to be fixed.