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deli_rum boosted

if you ever lament wasting a day of your limited life, consider: to the best of our knowledge, the heat death of the universe ensures there will only be a finite number of humans, even if we escape the solar system. so it's not just a day of your finite life, but one of finitely many days of human life that will ever exist.

deli_rum boosted

I’d like if they made a British panel show called “what did we learn this week?” where recently-published, groundbreaking research is summarized humorously within the context of current events and existing beliefs.

deli_rum boosted

Jonqueld twitches.

If this flame is beautiful, ⭐ or boost this post to improve its chances for future breedings.

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deli_rum boosted

Some length-limited #literature types matched up with #demoscene size-limited categories:

8 bytes: four-character idiom (四字熟語)
32 bytes: six-word story
64 bytes: stanza
128 bytes: limerick
256 bytes: dribble (50 words)
512 bytes: drabble (100 words)
4K: sudden fiction (<750)
8K: flash fiction (<1000)
64K: short story
128K: novella
unlimited demo: novel

deli_rum boosted
deli_rum boosted

When using Microsoft Word or Google Docs, don't just make text bigger and bolder to make it a heading. That will work for sighted users, but screen reader users will miss that and just hear it as normal paragraph text. Use actual heading styles, like level 1 through 6.

deli_rum boosted
deli_rum boosted
deli_rum boosted
deli_rum boosted

Lol, “we are fucked.” I just cannot IMAGINE what living under a different boundary condition would be like.

I was told. There would be a good part to the future.

deli_rum boosted

My latest blog post from yesterday, about a few of the different things you can use as a stylus on a turntable.

deli_rum boosted

luna #moth hanging out at my house last night. wing is clipped. they only live about a week in this stage of their life cycle, apparently.

life is strange.

deli_rum boosted
deli_rum boosted

Hi, sorry. Last bit of spam then I will post interesting things.

This might be my most favourite thing I've made in years, so please have a little gander at it. If you'd like a bandcamp code just ask

deli_rum boosted

Caught the André 3000 show in Detroit tonight. Great crowd, no phones, in the Masonic Temple. André played ~30 different flutes / wind instruments, and there was a 3 piece band. Drummer played 2 huge floor toms and assorted aux perc. Keyboardist played a polysynth. Guitarist did a hybrid FX-guitar synth thing. They improvised the whole set. It was very vibe-y, that LEAVING RECORDS / LA scene kinda thing. They hit some skronky and heavier zones too. If you have a chance to catch them on the rest of the US tour, I’d recommend.

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