We need your help! We are looking for formals models & vocabularies to describe present-day #handwriting. ✍️ Do you know any #DH tools that might help distinguish the "ragged" handwriting in one letter from that in other documents? Please share! #digital_editions #digitalhumanities
@demigrigo Possibly, our pre-press article "Recognizing Handwriting Styles..." could help? https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.16780
@aarbrk thanks! I will implement it as well. I was wondering perhaps if you have an idea of vocabularies or ontologies that they could help us describe the letters of the of the alphabets when it comes to handwriting.
@aarbrk thank you for taking the time to respond. Do you perhaps have in mind the namme of the Spanish book you are referring to? So "ragged" is a characteristic given by the lady with whom W.H. Auden had corrospodance. In fact, I am attaching you the two texts where the differences in handwriting is visible:(https://amp.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/amp-transcript__0020.html) in comparison with Auden's handwriting in his other correspondence (such as in https://amp.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/amp-transcript__0018.html).
@aarbrk thank you very much! Your article is a great starting point already :)
@demigrigo You are welcome, good luck on your project!
@demigrigo I'm sure you can find the same information somewhere in English, but this is the book I meant. This topic only occupies about two pages. https://www.casadellibro.com/libro-paleografia-y-escritura-hispanica/9788490772591/2913892