Dear DH Community and Friends of Literature, I have some questions and I would like to hear your thoughts: What are your thoughts on scholarly digital editions? Is a particular feature that you would to see? What makes a good edition according to your experience? Is it the UX, the features, the visualizations, etc? #dh #digitalhumanities #digital_editions #discussion
@c18ah excellent job! What I would suggest is the change of colors on the "Topics" tab. Perhaps, different, vibrant colors would help users distinguish immediately each topic.
A visualization of Thomas Gray's correspondence — highlighting major topics of conversation — is now available as an interactive network graph:
We'd appreciate any feedback!
#ThomasGray #18thCentury #letters #c18th #digitalhumanities #ThomasGrayArchive
@natalie @dh you could make a diplomatic transcription of the text and annotate the text using TEI markup. Martin Foys at UW Madison @MartinFoysOEPF might be able to help with how to link annotations back to images. Check out to see what this looks like.
@aarbrk thank you very much! Your article is a great starting point already :)
@aarbrk thank you for taking the time to respond. Do you perhaps have in mind the namme of the Spanish book you are referring to? So "ragged" is a characteristic given by the lady with whom W.H. Auden had corrospodance. In fact, I am attaching you the two texts where the differences in handwriting is visible:( in comparison with Auden's handwriting in his other correspondence (such as in
@aarbrk thanks! I will implement it as well. I was wondering perhaps if you have an idea of vocabularies or ontologies that they could help us describe the letters of the of the alphabets when it comes to handwriting.
On 24 Sep 1973, #WHAuden wrote his last letter to Stella Musulin On 28-29 Sep, he died in his room at the Altenburgerhof hotel in Vienna. Musulin writes, "The handwriting is ragged"
We need your help! We are looking for formals models & vocabularies to describe present-day #handwriting. ✍️ Do you know any #DH tools that might help distinguish the "ragged" handwriting in one letter from that in other documents? Please share! #digital_editions #digitalhumanities
Thank you
for listening to people in the field of (digital) #arts and #humanities and bring together all the training resources created within the #DARIAH Community. We can find them all at #digital_humanities #dh
Researcher at ÖAW's project
Also persuing a MSc in #DigitalHumanities at AUEB
MA in linguistics
Language Lover